
My friend wants to try coricidin cough and cold to get high. theres 16 in a box how many would it take to kill

by  |  earlier

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she wants to try it but i dont want her to take too many cuz i know the whole box would be overdose but is 7? she wants to try it to get high




  1. it depends. people can be allergic to medicines and not know it and just take a normal dose and have a terrible reaction. my husband took a claritin and was in the hospital with an allergic reaction. 5 times the normal dose would probably cause some severe problems for anyone but everyones body chemistry is different, could be more could be less. pretty stupid thing to try and find out if u ask me.

  2. Over the counter drugs and cough and cold medicines are routinely approved to be sold that cause disease and kill people when abused & taken excessively ........ and do not do what they are alleged to do............. highly ineffective in other words......... the only people that come out on top are the drug companies .......  billions of dollars on top .........  profiting out of other's misery.

    Coricidin contains phenylopropanolamine which has been shown to increase risk of stroke, bleeding in the brain and a host of other problems .................think about it ......  do you want to take the risk♥

    peace 2 u

  3. Why Do Kids Abuse Cough and Cold Remedies?

    Before the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) replaced the narcotic codeine with dextromethorphan as an over-the-counter (OTC) cough suppressant in the 1970s, teens were simply guzzling down cough syrup for a quick buzz.

    Over the years, teens discovered that they still could get high by taking large doses of any OTC medicine containing dextromethorphan (also called DXM).

    Dextromethorphan-containing products — tablets, capsules, gel caps, lozenges, and syrups — are labeled DM, cough suppressant, or Tuss (or contain "tuss" in the title).

    Medicines containing dextromethorphan are easy to find, affordable for cash-strapped teens, and perfectly legal. Getting access to the dangerous drug is often as easy as walking into the local drugstore with a few dollars or raiding the family medicine cabinet. And because it's found in over-the-counter medicines, many teens naively assume that DXM can't be dangerous.

    Then and Now

    DXM abuse is on the rise, according to recent studies, and easy access to OTC medications in stores and over the Internet could be contributing to the increase.

    The major difference between current abuse of cough and cold medicines and that in years past is that teens now use the Internet to not only buy DXM in pure powder form, but to learn how to abuse it. Because drinking large volumes of cough syrup causes vomiting, the drug is being extracted from cough syrups and sold on the Internet in a tablet that can be swallowed or a powder that can be snorted. Online dosing calculators even teach abusers how much they'll need to take for their weight to get high.

    One way teens get their DXM fixes is by taking "Triple-C" — Coricidin HBP Cough and Cold — which contains 30 mg of DXM in little red tablets. Users taking large volumes of Triple-C run additional health risks because it contains an antihistamine as well.

    The list of other ingredients — decongestants, expectorants, and pain relievers — contained in other Coricidin products and OTC cough and cold preparations compound the risks associated with DXM and could lead to a serious drug overdose.

    Besides Triple-C, other street names for DXM include: Candy, C-C-C, Dex, DM, Drex, Red Devils, Robo, Rojo, Skittles, Tussin, Velvet, and Vitamin D. Users are sometimes called "syrup heads" and the act of abusing DXM is often called "dexing," "robotripping," or "robodosing" (because users chug Robitussin or another cough syrup to achieve their desired high).

    What Happens When Teens Abuse DXM?

    Although DXM can be safely taken in 15- to 30-milligram doses to suppress a cough, abusers tend to consume as much as 360 milligrams or more. Taking mass quantities of products containing DXM can cause hallucinations, loss of motor control, and "out-of-body" (disassociative) sensations.

    Other possible side effects of DXM abuse include: confusion, impaired judgment, blurred vision, dizziness, paranoia, excessive sweating, slurred speech, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, headache, lethargy, numbness of fingers and toes, facial redness, dry and itchy skin, loss of consciousness, seizures, brain damage, and even death.

    When consumed in large quantities, DXM can also cause hyperthermia, or high fever. This is a real concern for teens who take DXM while in a hot environment or while exerting themselves at a rave or dance club, where DXM is often sold and passed off as similar-looking drugs like PCP. And the situation becomes even more dangerous if these substances are used with alcohol or another drug.

  4. It's not only bad for you, but you are stupid to do such a thing. Wake up and stop hanging around that friend who puts ridiculous ideas in your head. If you even had some sense you would not only tell her that idea is messed up, but you would give her a lecture on being so careless with her body as well.

  5. triple c's are the stupidest way to get high. i've seen my friends ****** up on them before and have started freaking out.

    but seeing as no one has told how many to take i will so your friend doesnt seriously hurt herself. i believe my friends took 6-8 of them.

    another one of my friends took 12. then snorted 8 or more xanax footballs. ******* stupid *** *****. the triple c's ended up saving her life, but they also made her stupid enough to snort 8 ******* xanax. she then woke up in a hospital. then started taking xanax everyday. now she is literally crazy, mentally sick.  dont be dumb.

  6. for her first time take 8-10

    each time increase it so she wont die

    no more than 20 at a time...bad idea trust me

    but then again...Triple C is a bad thing to get into its really addicting

  7. it would take about the whole box to actually get her high but i would not recomend messing with ccc's if shes trying to get high why not just smoke weed

  8. Do not do it any amount more than the regualr dosage can kill you.

  9. theres so many other ways to achieve an altered state of mind.  

    my answer to this question is that you should make another question and ask everyone what SAFE alternatives there are out there.  

    sorry, but drinking cough syrup is a stupid idea from a stupid person.

    i doubt this is your "friend".  it's probably yourself and you're just embarrassed to admit to being so desperate.  if it is your friend.. you should have an intervention plus help find them a steady good weed connection.  i honestly think that if everyone had a steady good weed connection that people wouldn't do harmful things to their bodies like drinking cough syrup and other REAL drugs smack

    for intensive purposes...  it would depend on factors such as body weight, s*x, what other drugs/chemicals are being put in the body

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