
My friend wants to try mushrooms. What should I do? ?

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I don't know how to talk her out of it. I've told her it's a bad idea, but she said that's exactly why she wants to do it. Even worse she wants to do it at school. What can I do to stop her without bring adults into this?




  1. If you mean the illegal kind you can tell her that you know someone who's brother died from that nasty horrible drug and please don't do that to herself!!

    If you mean the stuff at the grocery store I don't like them at all.. except maybe on pizza.  

  2. how old are you??... neways there is no real way to stop her from doing what she wants except telling someone... and because of that you might lose your friend for a while or forever... but keeping youself out of trouble is important as well as keepin your friend safe... tell your parents ask there advice if her parents find out and talk to her its alot better than getting expelled from school..

    one day she will realiz you were just being a friend..

  3. I'll also ask how old the two of you. (Why do people here hardly ever think their age is relevant?)

    Mushrooms can be an interesting experience, but I really think it's best to wait until you're out of your teens to try them for the first time.

    Oh, and don't do it at school unless you really want to get busted. (Why do young teens always think that everyone older than them is, like, totally, like, clueless about things like drugs and how they make people behave?)

  4. Don't snitch on her, don't tell anyone. She probably wants to experiment, just like any other normal teenager. If she gets caught, that'll definitley teach her a lesson. I know what mushrooms are like, once she tries them (for the first time) she'll most likely hate them and that would put her off them for good.

    Express your opinion to her on this, without nagging her, or saying that she'll die if she tries them. Be subtle. Tell her that she'll lose respect for her body and you'll lose your respect of her in the ability to make a right choice. Make sure that she knows that you aren't going to stop her, but you'll be dissappointed in her and so will other people who care about her if they ever were to find out.

    Just be a good friend and don't rat her out. It's her body, her decision. I had a similar problem when I wanted to try smoking, and my friend was all like "no." she told me things like I wrote above, and it really made me think, and feel guily when I tried just a puff. Just so you know, I never smoked again.

    Don't pressure her. I'm sure it's just an experience.

    Good luck with convincing her, but don't do anything rash if her mind is made up. You don't become an addict with just one try, and neither does it destroy your body... it does cause harm, so just tell her to be careful and really think it through.

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