
My friend was deported ,but his mom is us resident,what he can do?

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hi,my friend was deported ,his mom is a us resident ,what are the steps to follow in order for him to try to get back to the states,thank you!




  1. Have his mom file a form on his behalf.

  2. 1: Get a truck and drive to Mexico.

    2: Pick him up and hide him under a tarp.

    3: Act like nothing happened.

  3. I think she can reapply for him in ten years...or she could start a brand new application...tell her to call and ask her immigration lawyer.

  4. get a green card?

  5. He will have to wait out the 10 year ban on him and then his mom can petition for him to come back.  He should have done it the legal way to begin with.

  6. u cant get him back...... because his mom is a resident but u need some1 to petition him again and maybe he has enough chance to go to jail. but that wont b any good... sorry im not good wit the law but try to get a good lawyer.... u might get him out of jail... depends on the crime that he did.

  7. since his mom is  a resident have her become a U.S. citizen, and then he will be able to come back in with her connections.

    but if he did something wrong and that was the reason he was deported, then the chances of him returning are slim!

  8. First he needs to pay America back for the money we had to spend to get him out of here, then he can apply to become a citizen like he should have done in the first place.  I don't feel a bit sorry for him, he should be in jail for being here illegally, not just sent back!

  9. Try getting the packet from

  10. just a thought.... why doesn't she just join him wherever he has gone...not that it matters to me...i'm in the UK...!!

  11. depends on why he was deported. some things can be forgiven, and some can't. if it's drug related, you can forget about it. However, before he can come back he has to qualify for something that would normally allow him to return as an immigrant. His mother can file an immigrant petition for him, if he's not married, but that will take 5 years if he's under 21 and more if he's over. Then after waiting, he'd get an interview and have to apply for a waiver  through USCIS, if he can. If he gets the waiver, he can return. So,bottom line, this will be a long road at best.

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