
My friend was deported and her family is fixing her papers and they been there for year what can she do?

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my friend was deported for saying in the border that she was a US citizen and was finger printed an deported but she crossed back shes been here for to years now and going to college.Can that affect her later.

also her mother has a greencard and so does her sister, and her brother,can they help?

one other thing they put her paper at work to get statues for her to come to school and work they been there for years i think 10 of 15 can she still fix? well please help me . to help my despret friend




  1. Another illegal taking the spot for education that should belong to a citizen!!!!!!! Yes she can and when caught will be deported!!! She has been here for that long and hasn't done anything yet, she deserves punishment and then deported!! She is a criminal and you are aiding and abetting a criminal!!! she deserves a life time ban. Do us all a favor and report her!!!!

    Report and Deport!!!

  2. She can and will be caught.  Best things is to get the paperwork going for her permanent status ASAP!!!!!!  

    She can and will go to jail if caught.  Immigration does not take lightly ppl who are here illigally.  ESPECIALLY SINCE 9/11!!!!  

    I'm in canada and I don't like ppl coming here and staying ehre illegally.  Because the province that I live, has Ontario Health Insurance Plan.  Basically you don't pay to go to the dr or the hospital.  The government pays for it.  I hate ppl living here illegally because that means that our tax payers money is paying for them to stay here illegally and use our welfare system.  I'm sure that your friend is a perfectly nice person, but she shouldnt' ahve lied about being a US citizen, and she should ahve come here legally.  

    I don't understand how she can attend college and not be a US citizen.  Don't you need a social security number?  If she has one, then how did she get it without being a US citizen.  Man things are sooooooooooo different in the states then here!

    Better get on that ASAP!!!!

  3. unfortunately your friend broke the law and deserves to be deported or put in jail.I would only suggest that they leave and never come back.

  4. Yes, she can now go to prison if caught along with a permanent ban from the US.  Bad idea to sneak back once deported.

  5. Question #1

    Irrelevant. If she gets a sponsor and a job offer in the U.S....she can get a "green card". If your friend is being fully truthful. If she is caught inside the U.S. she can be jailed and held until deported again. The she would then have illegal immigrant status and may not be able to get a "green card" afterward. She would need a good immigration attorney.

    Question #2

    Permanent residents "green card holders" aren't U.S. citizens and have no ability to affect the immigration process (to the best of my knowledge).

    Question #3

    Getting a student VISA to be in the U.S. an attend school is very easy. If you meet the normal requirements.


    Apply for a student VISA. Tell her to finish school. Don't work here with a false social security number on file. Graduate.. go home..or to Canada..get a job...have some cash in a savings account...and re-apply for the "green card".

  6. Your friend is inadmissible pursuant to sections 212(a)(9)(A)(i), section 212(a)(6)(C)(ii) and section 212(a)(9)(C)(i)(II), the last two grounds of inadmissibility carry a lifetime bar, a permanent bar to admission. There is no waiver for 212(a)(6)(C)(ii) if the alien guilty of falsely claiming to be a U.S. citizen seeks an immigrant visa or status. There is no relief available to your friend.

    At this moment, your friend is deportable pursuant to section 237(a)(1)(B). It's hard to imagine anyone being less likely to become a permanent resident of the U.S.

    She is also subject to prosecution for 8 U.S.C. 1326, a felony, if she is found in the U.S.

    No, I don't think anyone is going to "fix" her papers.

  7. She shouldn't be here, she risks going to federal prison, especially since she is in college and they can check her records and report her. Dangerous waters to be in to be sure.

  8. Yes, it can affect whether or not she can become a resident. The best thing to do in this case is to speak to an immigration attorney regarding all the options. Thus far, it seems as though she will need to return home and wait for her mother to sponsor her to come here.

    Edit: A permanent resident CAN petition for another family member.

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