
My friend was recently taken to the hospital and the blood tests came back negative...?

by  |  earlier

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they did not do a gallbladder scan




  1. Sounds like a regular  illness. I wouldn't worry about HIV unless he's been reckless. Last fall I was admitted to the hospital and was vomiting almost every 5 minutes, and had severe back pains (they put me on heavy duty pain killers). They ran multiple blood tests, and after 2 days they decided it was a virus and sent me home to rest for a week.

    If it continues he should go back to the doctor.  

  2. flu lol?? seriously if you are ever "worried" about having an std, you should get a test

  3. he should go to a free clinic and get an HIV screening test.  

  4. It could be almost anything. If he didn't sign a consent form for a HIV test I'm sure they didn't have one. If he has never tested I would encourage him to test. I suggest to people that they test yearly.

  5. Did they do an ultra sound and a hida scan to check his gallbladder?

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