
My friend wears a purity ring... is this wrong?

by Guest63747  |  earlier

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My friend Jamie wears a purity ring. She doesn't want to wait until marriage but until she is in love. That's not my question though.

She wears the ring when she goes out on dates and tells her date about it. She tells them she is waiting until marriage. She says this way she can tell what the guys true intentions are with her. If they don't call back, they want s*x. If they call back, they want to get to know her.

Is this leading someone on or a good idea?




  1. i think it matters on location

  2. Sounds like a great idea to me.  Right on!

  3. That's not leading them on. And sometimes you have to use "bad" things to get "better" outcomes. In this case, the typically bad things is trapping someone, or stretching the truth.

    This is a safe way to weed them out than straight up saying: "I'm not into casual s*x", or "do you just want me for s*x?"

    The better outcome: through weeding them out, she can scare off the guys who do want just s*x, and invite the guy who just wants to get to know her.

    Let her do it, but these are things to warn her for:

    She could be freaking out some good picks. Not a big deal deal though.

    She's letting dudes know that she is a virgin, and some guys will pretend to go along with her playing the abstinence card and see if they can bed her.

  4. its a neat idea.

    but i personally think its wrong.

    a purity ring is to be worn as a reminder of one's promise to Jesus and to him/herself.

    and i personally thing more teen girls are getting them cause of the Jonas Brothers.

    Love them. not their music though.

  5. Just because guys back off doesn't mean it's because all they want is s*x. It's because they want a good time with someone special but don't have to have a commitment if they are not ready for one.

    Plus, if they found out her true intentions, they would realize she is a liar and someone they may not be able to trust. A relationship involves trust and honesty. If you don't have the person you are dating who they really say they are?

  6. She should probably be honest with guys but you can't let everything out on a first date. I don't really see a problem with what she's doing. It keeps her from being in a situation where she'll make a mistake.  

  7. I don't think it's really leading anyone on, cause that usually means that you're implying that you'll do more than you really will, or that you're interested in them when you're not, and what she's doing is sort of the opposite of leading someone on.

    But, I think finding out up front if all a guy is interested in is s*x is a good idea.

  8. Seems like a good idea, it's not leading anyone on at all.

    But I bet she is a kid, and she'll fall "in love" at 16 and regret it.

  9. I think it's a good idea.  As you said, that way she'll know the guy's intentions, which is always good before getting into a serious relationship because you might end up doing something you'll regret.

  10. I think this is okay. It is just a 'symbol' of being upfront with someone.  Letting the boys know about your intentions.  At least she is being honest and not leading them on.

  11. nah she's not leading them on

    smart idea

  12. uh it's her life dont worry about it

    it's not even wrong anyways

  13. wow thats a pretty clever idea your friend has. im going to tell my dad to buy me a purity ring.

  14. sounds like a great idea to me, but why do you care its not your business. also, its good for her to do this. who wants somebody who doesn't respect him/her self?  

  15. i don't get how she's leading anyone on.

    however, just because a guy doesn't call back means he wants s*x.

    that's a little harsh.

    but hey.

    whatever floats her boat.

  16. it sounds like a really good idea bc then she knos she's not gonna b forced or pushed to do something tht she doesn't want too

  17. My best friend also has a purity ring and is waiting until marriage. Personally, I believe it's just an opinion of morals. It's a great idea if you believe it, and fine if you don't. It's her life, I think she should be able to make her own decisions.

  18. i think its a really good idea.

    but she may miss out on a good guy that just got scared away from her talking about the ring..

  19. If she doesn't think that it is wrong then because she is your friend you should let her do what she wants even if you wouldn't do that.  You shouldn't judge her by that..depending on who you are it could be wrong or right.  

  20. its a good test actually. i knew someone who did the same things. Just hope she doesnt play any games. Hate girls who play games same goes for guys.

  21. i think it's a pretty brilliant idea actually, that way its clear to the guy and if they dont call back then she knows she didnt need to waste her time on some guy whose only intention was s*x.

  22. ummm if she isn't really planning on waiting until marriage then wearing a purity ring is pointless. it's not harmful to try to find out a guys true intentions but lying is wrong. either she's waiting or she's not. it's better to wait tho cuz of course when you get married you're in love.

  23. Not bad at all. Why not check them out instead of being talked into bed too soon.

  24. awsome idea

  25. I think its a smart thing. Weed out the bad seeds.

  26. nothing wrong with that as long as it is for use with good intentions, which it sounds like it is.

  27. There is nothing wrong with telling a guy that you want to wait until marriage. Ideally, the first person that you fall in love with will be the person that you marry anyway. It's definately not leading him on.

  28. I'd say it isn't a bad idea. if she uses this to screen guys. The ones who are interested in something deeper, like getting to know her, know that s*x isn't going to be an easy win. For the rest, she doesn't waste her time and neither do they.

  29. i dont think its leading them on.

  30. I think it is a great idea, anything, to help sort the true gems, from the pigs.

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