
My friend who i was living with broke in to a house and stole prescription drugs?

by  |  earlier

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because i was living with him at the time and new that it happened, but did not report him they want to charge me as well. the reason i didnt report him was because i had no where else to live. i had no part in the actual crime, nor did i take any of the perscriptions. he was arrested today and im suppost to be served in a couple of days. what charges can i be looking at and do u belive i will do any jail time. i denied knowing anything about it.




  1. don't lie to us, how many pills did you really take?

  2. Nobody is ever required to report a crime.

    You are guilty as an accessory only if you knew a felony had been committed, AND you actively aided the perpetrator to avoid detection, arrest, trial, or punishment.  Acting passively because you don't feel like getting involved is not a crime, although it is pathetic social behavior.

    The fact that you were not arrested at the same time as your buddy probably means there is no evidence to sustain a charge against you.  If you are charged nonetheless, then say nothing, and ask for a public defender.


  3. You can be charged as an "accessory after the fact of the crime".  As you had knowledge that the crime had happened and did not report it.

  4. But you did know about it, and your roommate knows you knew it.  

    Whether or not you'll go to jail is probably going to depend on whether or not you already have a criminal record.  You need a lawyer, and that's really the bottom line.  You knew about a crime, you didn't report it, you can be charged as an accessory after the fact or possibly for aiding & abetting.  

    Stop talking to the police.  Stop lying to the police.  Get a lawyer, NOW.  You don't have time to wait for the police to show up to arrest you.

  5. maybe aiding and embedding

  6. You won't do any jail time. But, you better get a lawyer. Check the laws in your state about withholding evidence. If you have a record already, definitely get a lawyer. You are probably a victim of "guilt by association".

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