
My friend wont listen to me help!?

by  |  earlier

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my friend is dating this jerk, well i think hes a jerk but she doesnt (plus she's always with these types of boys, that are nice to her but jerks to me and lots of other people) but anyway shes dating this jerk and they "hooked up" and now rumors are going around about things that they did and that not only was it people at the party saying things but it was him too and i told her about it because it was the right thing but she still wont listen to me and thinks that hes the most amazing person in the world yet hes such a jerk and i want to protect her but i feel that i also want her to get a hard hit with this so she wont so stupid anymore... what can i do?




  1. Let her fall and get scraped. She needs to learn on her own.

  2. if you can't convince her, you may just have to let the girl with her own decisions, but stay friends with her of course, maybe avoid the jerk

  3. mind your own business. let them decide if they are right together.

    your involvement will get them both mad at you if you but in.

  4. to be honest i think you should leave it alone, i made that mistake, i tried protecting my best friend , but she doesnt talk to me anymore. leave it alone because no matter what you tell her and how many times u tell her she won't listen, that's how people are and she needs to realise it herself. hope that helped

  5. It's good of you to care about her, and you've told her your views. Despite what you may think, she's not ignoring you, she listened. That doesn't mean she's going to change her mind, but it's good that she knows your opinion.

    Don't make a big thing of this, please. This is how I lost my best friend, because she couldn't stand that I was with my boyfriend. She thought he would hurt me, but he never has... we've been together for almost three years, now.

    You have to realize that your friends love life is her business, and you don't get to manage who she does and doesn't date. Let her make her own mistakes. It's sweet and normal for you to want to protect her, and I hate to break it to you, but you can't. Just be there for her if and when she gets her heart broken, and don't give her any of that "I told you so" BS.

    You're a good friend. Just please don't start something stupid over this. She'll be okay.

  6. first off all , do you think he is a jerk becuase he isnt nice to you or is he really a jerk ? maybe he is nice to your friend .. i mean i dont think anyone would stay with a guy if they are being treated like c**p ..

    maybe you should look deeper into their relationship .. if he is treating her bad than point out the things to her . ex. he jsut totally ditched you . but if he is being a loving a sensitive guy towords her .. you should just give him a change .. and hey maybe the rumors are true .  

  7. leave her alone , unless she asks for your advice . Otherwise you could ruin your friendship . You cant protect her .

  8. its her life

    stay out of it unless you wanna ruin the friendship

  9. if shes really your friend, sit her down and tell her. tell her everything. she needs to know the total truth. dont sugar coat it. be as blunt as you can and if you come off as being rude or mean, so be it. she needs to know

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