
My friend yells at me for not being christian?

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ahh~ i do not believe that a man is watching us.

why is a human? why not another being? for you see, i have had a bad past too. and this makes me think about trusting people more offten, but yet, i still have these feelings.

a man said a while ago:

"Those with pure heart go to heaven"


"Those with no soul go to h**l"

Sounds like santa claus, huh?

"Good children get presents!"


"Bad children get coal!"

--explain to me what a soul is, and what makes us any different then that of a animal ? (who apperently, to the bible has no soul?)

I think, if something is out there...

it wouldnt treat us in such a way..

i am not a god hater...


i dont think that it has to be that simple. That we know all these things.

My friend, to bring us back to the a year younger then me,

and yet, she acts as if this man should be worshiped or else...

but i fear she doesnt know if...she is also uneasy.




  1. pshht. dont let this "friend" yell at you cod you dont share the same beliefs as her. i have plenty of friends with mixed beliefs- christianity, judaism, islam-you name it. even atheists (however you spell that). it doesnt bother me. just because you believe (or dont believe) in different things doesnt mean she has the right to treat you this way.

    tell her to get a life. you'll believe whatever you d**n well want to.

  2. Your friend is totally out of line, I'm a Christian but I don't force my views on other people. Just tell your friend that she's really not going about making you a Christian the right way, and she might lay off.  

  3. It's very complicated... and I'll try my best to answer as many questions as I can.

    when you say "why is a human?" do you mean... ah, actually I don't know what you mean. If you don't mind, could u try rephrasing that part?


    I think a soul is your spirit, and your spirit is the part of you that truly IS you. Not the "you" that acts or treats ppl differently around different people because of peer pressure, self-consciousness, or society. It's the part that is your conscience, that gives you that tug about whether what you're doing is right or wrong, or makes you feel good if you something nice for someone, and guilty when you did something you know you shouldn't have done.

    It's also another thing, the Holy Spirit, which is the part that intercedes between you and God and allows you to pray to Him and talk to Him. to question Him and yell at Him. to thank Him and to praise Him. to cry and have Him hear your pleas and questions...everything.

    And animals...yes, I do feel that maybe it's a bit harsh for animals. Yes, I think that they do have spirits, personalities, like ours. But we have two things they don't: 1. we have the ability to make decisions independent of what others decide, and 2. we have the Holy Spirit in us, which guides us in what's right and what's wrong and lets us talk to God about our problems.

    Often you will hear that someone is filled with the Holy Spirit. I remember a pastor I once heard speaking. He was telling us of a time when he was filled with the Holy Spirit & filled with a fiery warmth in his body. The Spirit urged him to speak in tongues to his fellow people and made him preach things he had never known before. In a way, it's also what lets God speak through us when He chooses to.

    (sorry that was a bit confusing...)

    Your friend... it IS, in a way, a "do or die" situation (there's two ways to go when you die..heaven or h**l), but I don't want you to convert or become a Christian simply because of that. Being a Christian means being an reflection of God's image to everyone else. We need to show His love in the way we treat & interact with other people.

    We also believe that because God loves us so much, He sent Jesus to us & had Him die for us so that we can be able to communicate with Him. I'll explain that: imagine that we are comparing report cards. For us, we are so sunk deep in sin all around us (just look at what's happening in the world all over), that our grade is somewhere around an F. And Jesus, being the Son of God, is so pure and holy, He is an A+. So in order for God to be able to interact with us, Jesus died for us, and what that did is Jesus' perfect report card, His A+, replaced our F, so that when God sees us, He sees that A+ and not the F we had before.

    You might be wondering why God needs to see an A+ for us to be able to talk to us. It makes Him sound so aloof and all "high and mighty" --> too above us to want to talk to us, right? Well, that's not His personality. It's only like that because God is so pure and holy in His own right that He can't even touch us, because we are so steeped in sin. It's like He is this silken pure white cloth with no speck of dust or dirt on it, and we're sodden, dirty, torn, oily rags. His holiness would destroy us if He came too that's why He sent Jesus to replace our rags with His white cloth, so that we can touch God.

    I hope that wasn't too confusing as I tend to ramble a bit.

    And your old is she? she will have uneasiness, because I know that I myself have doubts sometimes and feel lost and unsure.

    And i just read the additional comments you added:


    your friend... tell her that you don't want to be forced into believing something that you don't really believe at this time, and to give you some time to think it over. 'cause religion is a pretty serious thing and can change people's lives pretty drastically.

    but i have a quesiton myself: what has your friend told you about christianity? what does she say to you, that you feel she is "imposing" or "forcing" her religion on you?

    If you have anymore questions, do feel free to ask :)

  4. Tell her that her own religion says that man (and woman) has free will and that you are just exercising your free will not to be a religious stooge.  Therefore, God, as she knows him, should be very happy that your free will isn't going to waste.

  5. You have a right to believe as you want as she does.  Tell her to knock it off.

  6. dont be bullied into believing anything. you are free to make up your own mind and you should remind your friend of that fact.  

  7. shes not your freind than isnt she

  8. yes their right if you don't believe in christian you will go to h**l

  9. Your friend doesn't seem to know much about what she is talking about. Every human has a soul according to the Bible. There are many verses regarding the human soul, and they apply to all of humanity. So no human can "go to h**l" for not having a soul. According to Christianity, what keeps a person from going to heaven is not believing that God saved us from sin through His son Jesus.

    Also, God is not a man. He is above men. Jesus came to us in the form of a man, but God, in essence, is not a man.  

  10. Next time, when he yells at you - Tell him that there is no perfect religion on this earth.

    We find educated fools and illiterate fools more on this planet?

    Try to handle him or leave him to his religion and destiny.

    Find a human being who is interested in another human being.

    Why to quarrel in the name of unseen Gods and unwanted religions.

    This is high time, we should learn the reality of life.

    Life is short and to make it sweet.

    Unwanted birth - unavoidable death.

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