
My friends 3 year old

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i ave a question , my friends 3 year old son ( 4 next month )

is 76 pounds , still sucking a bottle , they fill it with chocolate milk .

still in diapers , well if you want to call them diapers . they actually put a small sized adult diaper on this kid because he is to fat for pullups . it makes me so upset everytime i see this kid because he cant even enjoy himself like a normal kid . he trys to play but gets all sweaty . they let me babysit him 3 weeks ago for an evening . and while i was watching him i told him about going potty on the toilet and he wanted to try it . so i tried my best to lift this big ol kid onto the potty and sure enough he pooped in it . i was so excited and i couldnt wait to tell his parents ... well , i just saw him again yesterday and he is still in the DEPENDS adult diapers and it made my blood boil . i know he is not my kid , but i care about him . and i honestly think my friend is a stupid mom and i just want to tell her that .. so what should i do ? say something in a nice way , call Montel ?? i dont really even care about our friendship anymore because it makes me so upset being aound her and seeing the kid like that , but i keep coming around and being friendly because i want to help somehow .. please help me out




  1. While concerning, nothing she is doing is actually child abuse, so before you get other people involved see what you can do to help her.  You can look on amazon and get her some parenting books, maybe try "You Can Potty Train Your Child in One Day," "Supernanny," "Toddler 411."  Also, keep offering to babysit.  If the mom is too stressed out and burnt out to try potty training she may just need a break to get re-energized.  If you try to help her and you are still concerned for the child's health, then you can go to child protective services knowing you did your best.  

  2. I would say something.

    He should be potty trained by now and out of the bottle stage.

  3. To me sounds like she is either too lazy or she don't know how to potty train him or she is just plain stupid. This little boy should be potty trained by now and be off the bottle. I don't think she wants the kid to grow up. Just tell her straight out that she is putting her sons life on the line and to put him on a diet now and not later. What does his father say about all this? Is he around? Tell her that her son is going to have a lot of heart trouble and he can die due to having to much fat around his heart. My younger step sister is fat she has been like this since she was about 7 months old and she has had alot of trouble she is 24 and she still has trouble with her heart because she is just to fat.

    Tell your friend to wake up and start being a responsible parent or you will get someone to come and see her because really this is a case of child abuse ( well it is where i come from)

    Good luck and i hope everything turns out for the best.

  4. i would sit down and talk to her . sounds to me like she's lazy and doesnt want to teach the child anything . keep in mine that if the friendship ends you wont be able to keep an eye on him , so try to do it nicely . even go the point and tell her that you will work with him (sounds like your more responsible anyways ) . if none of that works call cps and get them invovled . good luck to you and the child .

  5. If you are worried about his health. Call Children services on her. They look into and they might even take the child away. A child shouldn't be like that at all. At least you are worried about that child health. And parents that are doing it. Call children service and let them get into it..

  6. call cps and tell them that she means well but isn't properly taking care of her child. them will go to her house and give her some information, they might even see signs of worse things that you might not know to look for. i wouldn't recommend directly addressing the issue with her, people are very defensive of their parenting and especially if you dont have kids she might not listen at all and it might end your relationship (with no help for the child)

  7. if you are worried about his health call children's services. They will evaluate the situation and you don't even have to give your name. If you don't do something, you'll regret it....I promise. I had a similar situation and I didn't and I do regret it.

  8. i will tell her in the nice way.. i think your friend is one of those lazy moms that only want a kid but not taking care of them .. that is her responsibility to potty train her kid until her kid will learn .. and giving too much food to the kid will make the kid obese. maybe she just let her kid go eat anything anytime and never care about it because she is too lazy...

  9. I'd just say something! He should potty trained at least in the day, as for bottle - my 3 yr old still has one for comfort but has diluted baby juice in it and isn't iver weight!

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