
My friends' hamster?

by  |  earlier

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She is evil! She put her hamster in between her breast.

I'm like "what are you doing?"

She says "Look I have small animals in my shirt!"

That's mean! The poor little hamster might be scared.

Any opinions?

Did you do something like this?




  1. That's weird... but as long as she's not squishing it, I'm sure the hamster is fine...  It doesn't know what b*****s are, nor does it care...

    But I would try to get her to stop doing that because it doesn't sound healthy.

  2. Maybe convince her its not funny and subtly even try to allow her to let you take him home?

  3. Anybody who would do that to a hamster is irresponsible and should not be owning a hamster, and it is VERY disturbing, try to talk to your friend and convince her that it is not funny....and after that if she doesn't listen try showing her these answers, and if that STILL doesn't work, go to the parents of your friend and explain what she is doing with her hamster, the hamster could, I'm not saying it definately will, but could sufficate in there if she keeps it there for too long, hope I helped and good luck!

    -Pumpkin  :)

  4. snatch the hamster and call it as you own

  5. That's disturbing. Why would she do that? Explain to her that it's not funny and talk to her parents about it if she does not listen to you. Hamsters don't enjoy being stuffed up people's b*****s.

  6. I dont think the hamser realizes it's in her b*****s.  As long as she's not physicaly hurting him - I don think theres anything wrong with i.
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