
My friends and I are really nervous about starting high school?

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I was talking to a few of my friends last night and we were talking about how nervous we are to be freshman. The older kids are there, getting lost, grades and keeping friends and relationships. How can we not be so nervous? we start tomorrow




  1. its really just like middle school, only theres one more grade in there. just be cool and try not to act childish and you wont get picked on.

    but most of all, have fun :)

  2. Dudeeee,

    you have NOTHING to worry about, i was just like you.

    I started about a month ago. It's different from middle school tho.

    Not a lot of older kids bother freshman, they talk **** but they dont do much.  &ahah just remember don't ask other kids for directions. just ask teachers. older kids are known for giving wrong directions to freshman. ahaha. &make sure you do all your work and pay attention to keep your grades up. try to stay on your teachers good side. Friends come and go. There will be tons of other kids you can be friends with.

    You'll survive, don't worry.


  3. Just watch. You'll be all set in within one week, and you'll shake your head at yourself for even posting this question :p it's not that bad at all.  

  4. I was a freshman last year, and i was scared also. But honestly there isn't anything scary about it. It actually REALLY fun, i love it and can't wait to go back honestly. But Don't be all bit*hy and stuff, NONE of the upperclassmen like that. It jut get's on they're nerves and they'll talk a bunch of c**p about you. Be your self and have fun.

  5. lol don't worry.  i just finished my freshman year.  and let me tell you:  i was really, really, really, nervous!  but, as i continued through my first day, it was totally fine.  it was actually, pretty exciting, and really fun.  it was so different from grade school! lol and i did get a little lost at first, but my bro helped me out.  but even if u don't have a sibling to help out, just ask someone.  it will be fine.

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