
My friends and Ihave weddings that are pretty close..?

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One of them has a wedding this fall, mine is next summer and the others next fall. Is it a good idea to go wedding dress shopping together, because Im moving away and wont get to see either of them for a while. I ask this only because the store we went into today the lady was EXTREMELY rude she told us if we werent interesting in buying anything she didnt want us trying anything on. Is it because she thought we were just playing dress up because we went to another store and the lady there was WONDERFUL..I dont get it....




  1. Dress Shopping should be fun, so go with your Best Girlfriends and your mother!

    Yes some people can be rude, I have been in wedding shops just looking but I never tried anything on before! I think because the dresses cost so much that they don't want them to get messed up!

    Anyways you can pretty much tell if a person is playing dress up or not!

    I would have told her a piece of my mind!

  2. Your weddings are not that close together, and the styles will change in that one year period.  You should do your own dress shopping for your own gown with your mother.  Then later go dress shopping with your bridesmaids.  I'm sure each girl (bride) would feel the same way, it's the only time they will have for their one special day.  And picking out your own wedding dress is very personal and emotional.  The dress has to feel right for you, not what others say how nice you look in it.  Because you'll look nice in any dress you pick out and feel good in it.  That's my opinion.

  3. You need to go shopping with someone who will be honest with you. If this is your two girlfriends then go for it!

    As for rude shop keepers (particularly in bridal boutiques), don't stand for it. I have walked out of shops when the service has been appalling. There are plenty of people willing to take your money who will be attentive. She has no right to judge you, regardless of whether she thought you were genuine or not. Anyway who could be bothered with getting in and out of bridal gowns if they weren't serious?! Those things take a month to get in and out of!

  4. She probally thought you were playing dress up.

  5. I think that would be a fun experience!  I would have told that rude woman "actually, all of our weddings will be next year and we're going dress shopping together, so YES, we WERE looking to buy...and no longer in your shop.  I'll be sure to let other people know about your rudeness towards customers," and storm out of there.

    Good luck with the wedding plans!

  6. Dress shopping should be done with friends, so go for it. Also, then go by yourself. You want that memory of being the only bride, and choosing your dress for your perfect day. I know they are your friends, but that is taking the spot lite off of you, and your only getting married once, so enjoy it, but while you can go with them. This way you don't have to worry about getting the same dress. One more thing, the rude people are like that everywhere. I was just trying on a dress to figure out my size and I felt like I was on trial, and if I was not buying I was not worth her time. I let the manager know that, something to keep in mind, your paying them, without you, they have no job, so keep that in mind, if you feel like your not being treated fairly then say something. If they are being rude to you, then they must not need their rent paid that month and take your business somewhere its appreciated. GOOD LUCK

  7. Generally, bridal salons prefer their customers who are wanting to try on bridal gowns to schedule an appointment.  I work in a bridal shop, and we want to make certain we have someone available to help you, we don't want more brides trying on dresses than we can handle at once (and 3 would be too many in our smaller shop), we want to give you the attention you deserve so you can find the dress of your dreams.  However, this salesperson you described was horrible--I would NEVER do that to anyone in my store.  Even if you don't buy today, if you have a poor experience in any store, you certainly won't be back to buy tomorrow.  Some stores hold the "appointment only" policy rather strictly, others will bend it on a weekday when they're not going to be busy--unless they have another bride coming in.  But I wouldn't return to the store you were at today where you were treated badly at all--you deserve better than that.  But, do schedule appointments in the future--it will make it all so much easier on you and the store!  Best wishes and congrats to all of you!

  8. some people are just down right rude I would tell her then apparently you don't wont to sell any of your dresses then do you congratulations to you and your friends on the up coming weddings

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