
My friends and i get bored alot...?

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my friends are coming over on sunday and i need help...every time any of my friends come over, we get bored...theres nothing to do. can you give me some tips on what we can do and have fun?

also wut are some fun girly things to do for a sleepover? ... they mite stay a nite....thanks, and your help is appreciated!

btw, we are 14 and 15 yrs old....if it helps...




  1. i'm 15 and me and my friends always have that promblem! heres soem things we do....

    have a chick-flick-a-thon. each one of you can pick your fave movie and then you can watch them all.

    have a home-spa. get nail polish, maks, make-up and leg wax(only if your feeling brave! :P)

    make videos! take a camera and make funny videos of you guys. you dont need to put them on youtube or facebook or anything. just keep them so you can look back at them in monthes and laugh. today me and my friends do that thing where you draw eyes and a nose on yuor chin and lay down and cover a blanket on yor nose and have the camera so its upside down and talka nd make faces! its sooo funny. i havent laughed that hard in sooooo long!

    look through old magazines (or buy a bunch of new ones) and laugh and talk about the fashion and make-up and stuff.

  2. well you can watch some movies and play board games go to the park and dance eat icecream and stay up all night talking about guys or something  

  3. When I was 14 and 15 My house was the hangout because we always had something to do for boys and girls.  It all started off with baking cookies one night.  Cookies are always fun.  Bake them while you watch a movie or do other activities.  We also always played games that were fun.  this will be a long answer because I will explain a couple games we played.

    One game was called pat.. We would all lay on the floor on our tummies in a circle and put our hands flat on the ground infront of us.  You cross arms with the person on either side of you so that between your hands are the right hand of the person on your left and the left hand of the person on your right.  Once the circle is complete, you start off by patting the ground once. Then the hand to the right does the next pat then the next hand to the right and so on.  It is a little confusing as your hands are not the ones right in front of you.  When someone messes up that hand is out and you start again where the last hand got out.  If someone pats twice really quick then you change direction until someone pats twice again to send it back the other way.  This really is a fun game and lasts long enough to be fun and the cool thing is that the winner can win a prize or something  The winner being the person with the last hand in the game.

    the other game we really liked was Murder in the Dark.  YOu may already know this game, but I will give you the instructions anyway... Sit in a circle indian style. Make sure the light is dim.  This game is fun to play all girsl, all boys, or most fun with both boys and girls.  With some cards or papers in a hat everyone should draw.  one card or slip of paper will indicate who the murderer in the gorup will be.  No one should say anything about the card or paper they draw. Once everyone has secretly looked at thier cards and the murderer is picked, you can start the game Now,everyone hold hands with the people on either side of you.  try to make your hands hidden behind backs or down low so people can not see what you are doing with your hands.  Now the murderer starts to kill people off in 2 ways.  If the murderer winks at you, you have to die and leave the circle and the circle shrinks. Winking is hard to get away with so the murderer can also squeeze the hand of the person next to them.  If you squeez their hand once, that person is dead.  If the murderer squeezes someone's hand 4 times then the next person aqueezes 3 times then then next person 2 then the next person one and the next is dead.  I hope that makes sense.  If you think you know who the murderer is, you can yell out "I know who the murderer is."  You do not yell out the name, but you try to convince the rest in the circle to second you.  The first person that believes you know says I second you then you say who you think it is.  If you are right you win and you play another round.  If you are wrong, then both you and the person that backed you up are out and the game continues until someone knows who the murderer is or the murderer kills everyone.  It Really was so much fun to play.  If you are the murderer then you can try to kill the person off that thinks they know it is you before someone agrees with them.  if you have a big group it is fun to have 2 murderers.  they can kill each other.

    I also have more games that are fun.  

  4. arts/crafts? repaint a bookshelf or a desk or something. get one at a thrift store. redecorate your walls with paper or fabric silhouettes.

    watch a movie you've seen a million times...but each person has to say the lines of one character and one character only--so if you're watching HSM, you have the part of Troy, friend has Sharpay, another Gabriella, etc. keep score for however long you want, one scene, half hour, etc--whoever messes up the most has to do something funny/embarrassing.

    play soccer outside, or football. find boys to play with to make it more fun ;-)

    do some volunteer work, at an animal shelter, soup kitchen, etc.

    scrapbook together some of the memories you and your friends have made! or make a slide show with digital photos and burn everyone a copy.

    bake something, surprise one of your friends with an "unbirthday" party.

    make a movie!

    girly things for sleepovers, give yourselves makeovers, spa treatments or manicures/pedicures.

    have fun :)

  5. se pueden hacer la paja unas a otras

  6. Simple.... Hang out with funny friends and be funny. Do something unusual.

  7. Hey! I did this with my friends once it was so much fun.

    Ask everyone to bring around any old clothes, jewelery, accessories, make up and have a swapping session.

    Its so much fun.

    Or ask them to bring around heaps of photos of you guys and make a scrapbook or memory book.

    And if these don't help...

    Always try baking something, its awesome and messy :P

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