
My friends and me want to get the message about global warming out. What are some good ideas?

by  |  earlier

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We are going to make the 'livestrong' style bracelets and hand them out, but thats going to cost us because we have to buy the bracelets. We dont want to make any out of wire and beads because they are uncomfortable and they break. Any other ideas about what we could make them out of?

Also, if you have any ideas of anything else we can do, please tell me.

Oh, and some people don't seem to understand that this is for a support group. We know everyone already knows about it. We just want to make bracelets. Sheesh.




  1. How can we help stop Global Warming with a bracelet?

    You can stop Global Warming with a bracelet.

  2. Have a club i am the learder onf my club

  3. Think about making a website. They are international so people could really hear your message.

  4. Use the rubber bracelets (like Livestrong) that are also USB storage devices, and put a short global warming video on the device.  They normally cost about $9, but maybe you can get the price cut way down in large quantities and as a promotion (donation) by the manufacturer.  Sell them at checkout stands for $9.99 and donate the profit to buy carbon credits to offset the carbon footprint of another charity (addressing hunger/poverty for example).

  5. 40% of the problem that causes the global worming is because of the air pollution

  6. noob

    lol... just a joke, global warming isnt real

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