
My friends are acting like...?

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Okay, So I have a few friends who I have been hanging out with for the past three years, And lately I feel like they don't want to hang out with me anymore, at least SOME of them don't. I Get made fun of by one of them all of the time, and when call/text them, they never want to hang out, and sometimes they just stop replying to me. One time, two of them made up a fake reason to be mad at me so they could be mad at me (they said that I didn't "treat them well enough, and that I didn't make an effort to take them places or hang out with them and I treated them like dirt" My mom and I took them to the mall the day before! if anyone was being treated like dirt it was me) I don't know, but It seems like because the three middle schools are mixing into highschool next year I "embarass" them or something and they don't want to be seen with me in front of their friends from other schools. I'm polite to them, and their parents, I help them out with school work, I try to hang out with them, but I have no Idea why they are acting like this. They never ask to hang out, and I don't want to look desperate by asking to join in on plans. I just don't like doing that, So I don't know what to do, Should I confront them, or just move on to new friends and show them what they are missing...

(P.S., we have differant interests, like clothes and music, I'm more "skater" and laid back, but they wear abercrombie and fitch and hollister, and some of them get up at like 5:30 in the morning to get ready for school. but I didn't think that it mattered that I dressed like that before, does it now because of highschool? I have no clue.)

I'm desperate please helpp I don't want to be friendless for the first day of school in a week




  1. Friends don't care about what you wear.  They care about the person wearing the clothes.  They definitely are NOT friends.  You were nice to them and that should matter to them.  Instead, they care more about stupid brand names.  There will be people at your school that won't care about such superficial things..

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