
My friends are implying that they don't want to be my friend anymore? my heart is broken.?

by  |  earlier

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we made plans to move to florida together a while back, and they all agreed.

now all of the sudden they're saying "oh it's just a silly dream, it'll never happen, let's do what's best and go our separate ways".

it's not a silly dream to me, it's a goal of mine to move there and pursue a career in marine biology, and it really hurt for them to say it'll never happen.

it feels like they're saying we shouldn't be friends, and it hurt even worse that they've lied to me saying they'd be my friends forever, and now they're saying it's 'not for the best'.

what should i do?




  1. Well they are lousy friends so move to florida without them. You can make tons of friends once youget there and no one will know you and you will have a fresh new start. they are losers for doing this to you so f "em

  2. forget about them and do what you want.

    sometimes friends grow apart its only natural.

  3. Continue with your plans and your goal to pursue a career in marine biology regardless of what others including your friends think. Maybe it's a good thing this has happened, who knows. You can always make new friends.

  4. maybe they told there parent or someone and they got screamed at or something. this is y they are acting like this, since they would have said it in the first place rather than saying lets do it.

  5. They're NOT implying that they don't want to be friends with you.  They just want to be free to pursue their own lives.  While it may have been a dream of yours to have everyone live nearby but that isn't realistic.  

    My best friends are spread out all across the US.  Just because I don't live in the same state as they do doesn't mean we aren't close.  Don't cut all ties with them because they have different dreams than you do.  This doesn't mean they don't care.

  6. they are probably not good friends. Have a talk with your friends. If things dont change, its your dream..go for it and dont let anyone stop you! Chase your dreams (remember)   =)

    Good luck!

  7. do your thing and just hang out but u should follow your own dreams

  8. well, I would give your friends another chance. Moving to a different place, is a really big step in life, and it isn't you they are turning down, but the idea they thought was crazy. Just shrug and move on. But if moving to Florida is a dream of yours, I wouldn't let your friends decisions, stop you from doing it. Reach for it. But give your friends a break, becuase again; it is a really big step, so don't take it personally if they don't still want to do it.

  9. if they dont want to b ur friend forget them u dont need them u seem nice so you'll make friends and when u go to florida youll meet tons of new people who have the same dream(reality) you do

    much luck:D

  10. You should confront them and ask them why they don't value what you have.  I'm sorry your friends are acting like such jerks.

    (and by the way, I think being a marine biologist would be REALLY cool!)  

  11. Sometimes the people you grew up with are not the ones you are meant to spend your life with.  If it is your dream to be a marine biologist in FL then you should pursue it and meet other people who more closely align with your goals.  It is hard though.  But rest assured, you aren't the only one.

  12. you have to make friends with like-minded people who share common ideas and dreams.  you cant take your friends and change them. people don't change in that way.

    i'll give you a story.  i wanted my friend in high school to be interested in what i was interested in studying at college.  he and i went to the same college, but it quickly became apparent that he had to go his direction and me in mine.

    what ended up happening is I kept an eye out for student organizations and classmates and other people who shared my interests.  they became lifelong friends, while my friend from HS sort of just drifted away.

    life changes people, especially during important transition periods.  don't be scared to find your dream on your own.  you will always meet new friends along your path , especially if you are in a program or job where people share common values, ideas and interests.

  13. im really sorry, its one of the hardest things to loose a friend/s. i think you should tell them ur position, and how you feel, even if you dont want to. i never told my friend what a bad freind she was being because i was afraid i would loose her all together, but just let them hear you out. go to flordia without them if you really want, but i know thats not what you wanna hear, and i hate when people give those answers. freinds are some peoples lives, and without them they have nothing, but forget what is consitered best, and do what your heart says, and if that is to stay frenids with them, then tell them, even if that is saying that they, well something along those lines. i know exacly how you feel, and i am really sorry. a similar thing happen to me, where my "bff" and i wanted to travel the world together (far fetched i know, but still...) and now we are friends stillm but she is a terrible one...  

  14. stop being paranoid gosh just relax and see what happens your being too sensitive

  15. Normally folks don't go off with their friends to start a career.  Follow your dream.. .don't use others to be your excuse not to do something or your reason to do it.  Do what your heard desires and if you meet up with your friends in that endeavor, all the better. If not, you will find new friends that share your dreams.

  16. Depends on how old you are if your like near a senior in high school that just sucks then.

    Me and my friends plan to stick it out through 4 years of high school and possibly college and if we don't go to the same college we'll meet together once we get college over.

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