
My friends at school are idiots! help!?

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my friends that are girls are MEAN! and they dont know how to be good ppl. my school is tiny so there is noone that i can turn to to help me. i dont wanna just sit by myself at lunch and look like a complete loner! wat should i do during break and lunch? should i just hide in the bathroom or sometthing? im so angry that these girls cant be smart and non-idiotic:(




  1. Try to talk to each friend individually. They should act less idiotic. Then tell them respectfully how stupid they can be. Also search for new friends or get to know someone you already much better. Life is long til you're dying../

  2. Sounds like they just aren't good friends or people.

    My suggestion is make some new friends  and try talking to different people. Also one way to do this is try standing up for the people that they are bullying (Yes from what you said that is what they are doing).

    If they relize you arn't  hang out with them any more simply tell them straight up what you didn't like. And if they change they are better than i thought but watch out a classic trick it change for a little bit and then go back.

    In short: Just try making some new friends.

    Good Luck!

  3. tell them how you feel

  4. i guess just tell them how you feel and see how they take it

  5. Would you rather feel like a loner or would you rather be driven insane by these friends?  It sounds like you really can't stand them and if that is the case, it's time for you to make new friends.

  6. tell them that you dont want to be their freind

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