
My friends beagle mixed dog/pup ate a whole box of tea last night. He has been up all night running around.?

by  |  earlier

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He jumps on the couch falls down, lands on his back then does it again, Its been like twelve hours and he is still bounching off the wall. The dog is probably 9 mos old. I thought maybe giving the dog some bread or rice to soak up the stomach might work. Anybody have any knowledge on this issue?




  1. Valene, I like the personality of a beagle. They are so sweet.

  2. He's jacked up on caffeine. Try to keep him quiet until his system processes it all. Should be gone in 24hrs

  3. Yes, he's overdosed on caffeine  It could be quite dangerous, call the vet to be on the safe side.

  4. Your dog needs to see a vet, caffeine is toxic to dogs.

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