
My friends child is pregnant at 14?

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She is really close with me and her mum are not that close with her so she asked me. She has not told her mother yet

I really dont know what to do can anyone help




  1. she needs to tell her mom. let her rehearse with you.. then be there for her in case her mom has a bad reaction.. she's counting on you to be there for her. see how it goes with her mom first then we'll go from there. you may need to talk with her mom and help her through it.. i'll be praying for all of you. i hope this goes well. make sure the girl knows that she can come to you for anything.. that way at least someone knows what's going on in the girls life.


  2. She can't hide it forever. She must tell her mother ASAP. Social Services have a role to play here. Also the child's father (and his parents) need to know.

    She is going to get bigger, so hiding it is not an an option. Her mother is a grown woman will have a more sensible outlook. She is there for moral support, and don't forget this woman is also the unborn child's grandmother, so has everyone's best interests at heart.

  3. go with her when she tells her mum and if they need a bit of breathing space after let her sleep the night at yours. as it sinks in her mum will be more calm but her mum needs to know just try and help her tell her mum and takle the hurdles together she has come to you because she trusts you.

    good luck

  4. you can't tell her what to do, just give her options and reasons

    what will happen if she has it? she'll lose her friends, her childhood, going out and have no education (dispite all the best efforts of the lefties, teenage mums don't get 1st class degrees from oxford..) you can be certain the boyfriend won't stick around

    what will happen if she doesn't have it? she will feel bad and have to 'grow up' quick, but there will be opportunity to learn from mistakes

    you have to get her to see a doctor to talk this through to (or a teacher)


  5. You have got to tell her mother. How would you feel if it was your daughter..

  6. Be there when she tells her mom, she obviously sees you as a big sis/ aunty figure for her to be able to tell you.

    Good luck x

  7. Hey :]

    She will have to tell her mother at some point so you could be there for her. Support her all the way and whatever decision she makes you could try to be there for her. Being pregnant isn't easy so she will need a friend. You could well just be the best thing she will have :]

    Good Luck x

  8. thats put u in an awkward position really! tell her to do what u wud want ur daughter to do if it was u!

  9. tell her to tell her mom.

  10. I would encourage the child to tel her, even if she decides to get rid of it then she needs her moms support, she will be grateful for it. If she can't tell her maybe you should, ask her first, personally i think i would tell her mom either way though, good luck

    edit - to mystical mamba, she can still have an education its not hard, if your not lazy. I'm 19 and 14 weeks pregnant, im at uni, workin, drivin and got my own house and my bf still around, i think im doin better then most girls my age with and without kids

  11. thats a hard one,,

    maybe you should go with her to tell her mum

    just so you can help cuz if she tells her on her own her mum will probebly kill her

    soo go to calm things down

    and plus if you dont go the girl prob wont tell her because thats a scary thing to do

    good luck

  12. Tell her to tell her mother

  13. Whatever you do, don't tell her mum behind her back! If you do, this will instantly break the bond of trust between you. Chat to her, invite her out to a meal somewhere or a movie, or maybe even just your house. Have a serious talk about it and turn it into a comfortable topic instead of something secretive, convince her gently to tell her mum. When she does tell her, be there for her, sit with her. If her mum gets angry/upset you can be there for her too. If she gets cross with you for not telling her immediately, explain her daughter's concern. Be there for both of them, whether the 14 year old chooses to have an abortion or keep the baby, just make sure you support them as it'll be hard.

  14. Give her all the support you can. She can make it through this hard time with your help. Good luck

  15. She needs to talk to her mother.  You can offer to be there to keep things calm if she thinks her mother will be angry, but that's about all you can do.

  16. she must tell her mother immediately because if abortion is chosen (which i am against btw) then the sooner it is done, the easier it is (though it will still be HORRIBLE).  PLEASE be with this child when she tells her mum.

    adoption would be a great option if she doesnt keep the child and basically have her mum raise it along with her.  she needs to be on birth control immediately after this pregnancy is finished or she will continue to get pregnant many times in the next several years.

  17. tell her she has to tell her mother cause she is the one to talk to she might not be close ti her but its her daugther...tell her to speak to her and see what shes going to do cause 14 is young i don't like abortions but is she going to be able to handle a baby when shes this age? good luck to both of you

  18. Be there with her when she tells her mother. This will offer support to both of them. That's all you can really do.

  19. she gonna have to get it over with and tell her mom.

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