
My friends ditched me and now I'm really upset..?

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Well they wanted to go to NYC today but i couldnt(i live in upstate NY) and like they went anyways... they're awesome friends and people but they like left me and i was telling them i could go next weekend and they were being like "ooh no this weekend blahblahblah" they're being so mean i called and asked "how is it?" and they were like "omg what do you want" and they said just kidding but its like i feel so left out... i wanna cry right now..i dont care about going to the city i just care about my friends leaving me out.. what to do?? (i was thinking tonight when they get back i'd be on AIM and then they'd IM me saying "sorry" and I'd block them but that would be too drama queeny. so then i thought i'd get over it and say "its ok" but then i thought that would let them step all over me. i dunno what to do......ughh im so mad and frustrated...




  1. U worry too much about friends & not enough about yourself. Sometimes friends r just obstacles in our way towards success. Try being individualistic. If they cared 4 U then they would've waited for you. Take up a hobby or 4get them & the true friends will come 2 U.

  2. chill out its not  a big deal; its not u have to tag along in everything;

    as long as they are still ur friends quit whinin

  3. dude, thats life. their lives dont revolve around you. if youre a real friend you will accept it and move on.  

  4. well they did ask u to go so its not like they wer tryin to leave u out or anything but i get how u would be upset about it

    u can always try talkin to ur friends and tellin them bout how u felt left out

    but dont let anyone walk all over you because if u show them weekness and be like its ok then thats wat they'll do

  5. I know your feelings are hurt, but when you're planning a group event, it makes sense to go with whatever the majority can do. If you try to make it work for every single person involved, it will never happen. They didn't do it to exclude you. I know you feel left out, but don't blame your friends and make them feel guilty or you'll drive them away. Host a get together next weekend and enjoy their company then!

  6. It sounds like they all planned to go and you couldn't for whatever reason.  They did invite you to come with, right?  You're making a much bigger deal out of this than you need to.  You can't expect everyone to cancel their plans just for you.  Don't worry so much, they're still your friends.

  7. its not like they have to make decisions that ALWAYS concern you. they can go  if they want. lol you're taking it too personally

  8. i think you may be overanalyzing it.

    they don't need to apologize, and you don't need to block them on AIM.

    they probably just went this weekend because it fit the majority's schedule, whereas next weekend might be harder to coordinate.

    just go with the the next time, or plan a weekend somewhere else.

  9. I've had a lot of experience having friends "ditch" me. At least that was how I viewed it in my mind. But then I realized that I did stuff all the time with everyone and someone seemed to always be missing, so I guess every now and then that person missing would just have to be me. Realize that they asked you to go with them, but you weren't able to. At least they asked you! Wouldn't it be worse if they just left and didn't ask you to come with, even though you couldn't anyway? If you really have a problem with it, then you should talk to them. Communication solves everything, trust me! Remember that their lives don't revolve around you and that just because you can't do something, they aren't going to just go home and mope. I wish I had realized this at the time I felt left out all the time. And when you just whine about it, they are going to want less to invite you genuinely and instead they will just be inviting you to come with them because they HAVE to. Which probably isn't good for a friendship.  

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