
My friends dog bit my face and she does not have homeowners insurance what do I do ?

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Its such a long story but I was at a party and my friends dog was there and I bent down to pet the dog and he bit a chunk out of my face. It was very scary I really don't know what happened after that just that I went to the hospital and got my face stitched up. My face looks so bad I don't even want to go out side. I got a number to an attorney and called him to ask what I needed to do. He said not to talk to her and that we would contact her homeowners insurance to take care of all the medical and not to except anything from her. So I told the girl the truth and I would hope she would understand. Now I just found out that she does not own her home her mother does and that she is now saying that I antagonized the dog and that's why he bit me. That is so untrue I would never hurt her dog or cause him in anyway to want to take a chunk out of my face. So now I don't know what to do ??? Please someone give me some advice.... Thanks




  1. You need to sue the family that owns the dog.  Did you report this to the police?  If they do not have insurance or any other assets, I do not think that you will be able to collect anything.

  2. dress the wound and forget about it

  3. Myself, I'm a home owner and a dog owner. You can try to sue but, you were on her property willingly. You also new she had a dog, and bent down to pet the dog. The dog was probable playing and didn't even mean to bite you. I've had dogs to play and jump on me and play bite. You never stated if it was aggressive or not!?!?!  Her being your friend you should have talked to her before you called an attorney. I would have not done my friend the way you've done yours! But I do think she should offer to help on you bill. BUT SUE??????? That's all people what to do anymore just to get alittle money. IS IT WORTH YOU FRIENDSHIP? I know your face might hurt but I will heal in time. My 21 year old got bitten by my moms dog when she was 2 . We did have to make a police report because we had to show proof she had her rabies. (She also had to have stiches.) Did you make a police report? That's my thoughts...I hope you think twice. You might loose more than just one friend you may loose several.

  4. Relax it doesn't matter who owns the home the homeowners insurance will still pay.Or the lawyer would sue the mom not the girl ownership is unimportant where it happened is the factor. When the homeowner allowed the dog on her property she assumed liability.

  5. It depends on if you want to remain friends with this person or not.  You have every right to sue her for not having control over her dog, and chances are extremely high that the judge would side with you and award you the full medical expenses, including plastic surgery to repair your face.  Not to mention the fact that it sounds like a large breed of dog (a pit bull, perhaps?) to have caused that sort of damage, and usually a harder stance is taken on owners of large dogs, because they have the power and capacity to do more damage.  If you go on a TV court show like Judge Judy, the show actually pays the settlement amount, with $5,000 being the maximum.  If you want to stay friends, it is a little trickier.  Not many people would stay friends with someone who takes them to court for damages.

  6. You need to not talk to them anymore and listen to your attorney.

  7. Take her reply back to your personal injury attorney and let him handle it from here, ok?  He will have to file suit against her and the owner of the home to get some compensation for you.  

    I don't believe her that you "antagonized" the dog, I've had two other cases where someone bent down to pet a dog and the dog was surprised or something and just came right up and nailed them in the face both times.  Pretty common bite, and you've got a long road of recovery for sure.

  8. She is your  friend, so I'm guessing taking her to a small claims court would not be just. perhaps negotiate with your friend a way she can help you pay the bills to get treatment for your face. Perhaps if you do it sooner, she would not hesitate to help. Or perhaps talk to her mother about the insurance issue and see what ways are possible for a quick fix.

  9. Number one -- Listen to your lawyer - no further contact with anyone connected to this other than through your attorney.

    Number two -- She isn't your friend anymore - get used to that fact

    Number three - They don't need homeowner's insurance for you to collect damages - there are other ways to get you reimbursed.

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