
My friends don't know the real me..?

by  |  earlier

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Well, on the outside i seem like the typical jock, i'm the captain of the basketball team, and captain of the dragonboat team, i flirt with the girls in the volleyball team a bit, only because most of them flirt with me though and everyone thinks i want to be a profesional basketball player, and this is what my friends are used to me doing and being like.

But on the inside, i'm different, i want to be a doctor, but whenever i tell my some of them they just are like yeh right your not smart enough, only one of my friends has classes with me so he knows i get straight A's in chemistry, biology and physics, but doesn't really help me when they don't believe i'm smart.

And as for girls, i don't want to be the schools pimp, theres this girl i really like, and i talk to her in class and stuff, but in 'reality' she hangs out with a couple of friends and she's really shy and if my friends found out i liked her i'd get stick for it, i have no problems asking her out, but i just don't want her to think i'm some superficial guy because of who i hang out with, you know..?

So, how do i get my friends to believe that i'm not some dumb jock?

and, how do i get my everyone to accept that because i'm the captain of the basketball team i don't have to go out with the captain of some other sports team?





  1. there is no real you we are all fake, were robots man every single one us and anyone who disagrees should be Zapped with a death beam

  2. Just make them understand you have your own personality and that you have your own preferences. You just have to let out your voice and never let people take things granted for you.

  3. What a dilemma ..

    You should decreased your flirt :)

    and others.. continue with it :)

  4. you seem to have enough strength of character to rise above all of their assumptions anyway, just date the girl you like its not for them to decide your choices.

  5. actions speak louder than words.

  6. Don't change for anyone, nor should you feel you have to get their approval or proove yourself.

    Be yourself, Be Confident & Be Honest.....if they don't / the girl doesn't like you, then move on

    You can be a Smart "Jock" you know...somehow I think you know that, you just need validation.

    God, I HATE Labels!

    All The Best  :-)

  7. friends are those who except you the way you don't need to be someone else for them.........may after sometime they'll appreciate wat you think abt your future.............till that just be true to yourself

  8. son of a ***** you have the perfect life. Are you posting this question on for help or just to gloat? And not to sound mean, but if you get flirts from everyone, chances are youre cute. The cute smart straight A jock who who goes for the shy school girl. Sounds like a walk to remember.

  9. theyre only gonna think your a dumb jock if you act like a dumb jock so stop acting like one pull it together and stop doing what everyone else wants you to do get that girls number and tell the other girls youre taken

  10. 1. You have to be comfortable with who you are, you have to have the confidence to say hey i can do all the other things too.  

    BREAK THE MOLD!   Alot of people are going to talk c**p, but that's what they do, and if you want to be a Dr.   go right ahead on, it seems like you care alot about what people have to say, so understand the logic to it.  They are just people, they don't put food on your table or cloth you so take it with a grain of salt.  As for the girl, be yourself, but with confidence! If she is worth it you she will see you, the real you. but you must have confidence.  Friends will be there if they are you real friends they will support you no matter what, if not, well then I guess you know the truth about them. cheers kelina

  11. slowly stop talking to the meat heads! stay friends but dont keep acting, you should talk about the real  you.

  12. how long did it take u to write this??

  13. As you mature the need for your friend approval will become less dominant in your life.School at your age is an ordeal in itself wether you are popular or not as it also ties in with the age of puberty and where you're starting to find out about yourself and the way you impact on the world around you and vice-versa. If you apply your skills directly I see no reason why you can't achieve the grades you require to go onto study medicine and also hold down the title of school teams captain and everything that goes with it. I wish you well.

  14. Ask out this girl :) and it will help your friends to realise you aren't some dumb jock. If you like her and they are your friends they'll just except your decisions and stuff and they shouldn't judge you.

    I am so jealous of you. You're popular AND smart, and you go for shy girls too. That's so perfect :)

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