
My friends gums are bleeding??

by  |  earlier

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ok so every time she brushes them they bleed... she brushes them when they hurt then they bleed then they feel better for like 3 hours b4 they hurt again.. whats wrong??




  1. She has a need to see a dentist and get her teeth properly cleaned and then use dental floss every day and brush a couple times  a day... The bleeding will stop once you remove the plaque and bacteria from the gum line, and the gums will stop receding which is happening whether you see it or not...this is a condition that will only worsen and she will lose her teeth at a young age if this is let go...

    It's basically poor oral hygiene...

  2. use soft toothbrush, ONLY SOFT . warm salt water rinses and floss 2 times a day. half a teaspoon of salt to a 8 ounce glass of luke warm water. also, brush like u r brushing now 3 times a day untill ur gums quit bleeding and get healthy and pink

  3. I have this too. Its called Gum Disease, and usually you can get rid of it if you get a softer-tipped toothbrush. Hard bristles and brushing too hard spread your gums from your teeth. Despite the 'disease' part of the name, it isn't harmful at all, ecxept for the minor pain.

  4. She brushes too much on her gums, tell her to chill and not brush her gums quick -.-

  5. well, try, and try OraMD. It's really great. I'm using it right now, and it's a little minty at first, but after about 3-4 days, the bleeding, pain, irritation, or anything you might be troubled with will go away. It even cures bad breath! They have next-day shipping, Moday-Friday. It's GREAT stuff!!! Tell your friend to try it. I think she'll be pleased with the results. Hope I helped!!!

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