
My friends having boyfriend troubles....?

by  |  earlier

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I was over my friends house today and her boyfriends email details were saved on her laptop as well as hers and mine. I accidently went on his, i didn't read any, but he had emails from horny matches and s*x search verifying his registration to them.

I just laughed cause i thought they were p**n or something, but my friend wanted to see what they were, so we typed them into google, and there websites for people to find people to have s*x with on!

We found his profile on one of them, and he's wrote he's looking for one to one s*x with a woman.

My friend wants to ask her boyfriend what the f*ck he's doing joining one of these sites, but she doesn't know how to ask him, neither do i. She doesn't want him to know she went on his emails, any ideas how she can ask him about itt?

Thanks :D.




  1. just ask he is your boyfriend!

  2. The evidence is right in front of her so why exactly does she need to ask him what is going on? If she feels she needs to confront him she should tell him what she's found. I don't see why she is worried about reading his emails as what he's done is far worse. To be fair it sounds like your friend is going stay with this loser as she is gonna give him a chance to explain and no doubt let him spin her a web of lies. All you can do is be there for your friend whenever she does finally get rid!

  3. well do not ask just dump him!

  4. Okay so your friend shouldn't of looked at his e mails but she did. I would definitely confront him about it to be quite honest if it was my boyfriend and didn't want to tell him I would just probably break it off with him.

    Maybe you could like bring the subject up during a conversation and see his reaction but pretend you know nothing about his e mails.

  5. she can just come right out and ask him. I mean it was kind of left out in the open and if thats her man and they sexually active she may want to know his past for health reasons and why he didnt express these things to her to begin with. some people are embarassed about their preferences and he may be a little embarassed at first. but just make sure its dealt with privately and try as hard as you can to stay out of it.

  6. um my bf is like that answer mine please?;...    just tell him up front that your not like the girls on those websites and if thats what he wants then he can go for it but dont go barking up you tree.

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