
My friends just don't seem to care.What should i say?

by  |  earlier

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I'm planning something for my birthday on saturday and i can only sadly think of going to the cinema and than having an indian meal after! But none of my friends seem to be bothered about wanting to go as none of them have replyed to my texts or bebo messages! I always feel like they don't care about me.and that i'm not important to them...I don't want to fall out with them because 1. still love them and 2. I'm not confident enough to go and find new friends....what should i do! or what should i say to them without making them think i don't want to be there friends anymore...because believe me they take many things the wrong way!




  1. You really need to find new friends.. sounds like their not interested in you anymore. If I had friends like that I wouldn't bother trying to be their friend.

  2. tell them the truth.

    let them know how much you want to be there friends, and how much u enjoy being their friends, but that you feel like they dont care about you as much as they do the rest of the group of friends.

    let them know that you are hurt they havent responded to you yet.

    your friends should respect you, and if you dont then you are better off alone.

    but trust me, let them know whats going on with you, and be nice about it, dont attack them out of the blue because chances are they dont realize what they are doing.

  3. i'm exactly the same, its my birthday on the 14th and i had a thing planned for it nd they more or less said thats lame, now i'm left with the cinema which i always do! they always have house parties but my house is too small, i'm going to go up to them and just say if you fancy a get together for my birthday we could catch a movie if they dont want to they just say, fine i think i'm too old for parties and stuff anyway, that will make them think well that means that if your too mature for it then they probably are, so they'll either say well yeh we could just go out or they wont be having a party either for there birthday either way you've got there attention and you've got them thinking

    hope that helps

    and happy birthday for saturday


  4. hi,i understand your problem.i usually have it every january with my friends are the same,they dont care and just dont help with my problem.i dont even get invited to the usual days out that they all and this one girl (who is also in my friends group) always get left out.we decided we are gonna confront them all about it--even if it means arguing even tho we dont wanna!maybe you should do the same-----or just try and think of something yourself.personally i love going to the cinema and i always enjoys meals out with friends! :D

    hope this has helped!!  

  5. Try changing the venue - maybe the choice of film or the Indian restaurant doesn't appeal to them. Maybe they're busy that day. Make it Sunday - then you've got prezzies on your birthday & something to look forward to on Sunday - that way you fill the whole weekend, & your friends might be more interested.

  6. I would suggest like going up to them in person or calling them maybe they just don't get the idea and alot of time people forget if you text them..

    And about the other thing be like i messaged you whenever did you get it and like if they say yea be like so wat do you think and then they will answer blah blah blah blaaaah. Be like i kind of feel left out like you guys don't care about me like i still really have lots of fun with you but it just seems like you don't care.. or watever thats just wat i would do if they are real friends they will understand and like for help making new friends maybe invite someone that isn't that close to your groupp but is still liked to your party and like then you have one more understanding friend...

    I really hope i helped.....

    Good luck


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