
My friends keep calling me these names, what do they mean?

by  |  earlier

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I have two friends, who like to call me names, and half the time i don't get what they are really meaning. the two names are Nooby and Dip Stick. i am not a stupid person, i just don't normally hear those names cuz i don't go to school, i am homeschooled. answers plz? ^.^




  1. ohh...common....njoy it like me....

  2. Yeah.

    Nooby=New Person.

    Dip Stick= Hard to describe. Like, stupid or something. It's a joke, though.

    Hope this helps!!!

  3. The way you're spelling "nooby" means "fat nipples"  However, I think they are saying is "newby" which actually describes someone who is inexperienced at something.

    A "dip stick" is the thin piece of metal that you use to check the oil level in a car.  That implies your as dumb as a thin piece of metal...

    ...Sorry bro...

  4. aww thats quite cute lol

    nooby = new person

    dip stick = when you do something silly.

    Just dont take it personally, they are onlii messing around.

  5. dip stick means u are stupid and nooby means u are new at something!! thanks good luck!!

  6. may b der jus jelous of u u shld call dem nanes bak 2 like wen dey bend down say 'sllllllllurrrrp'as mean drop de soap idk wat dat means but my brother do dat to me everytime he gets a chance<i dont no wat is dip stik ether nor nooby

  7. "Nooby" would mean that you are the new kid.. "dip stick" is just a name (kinda lame) used to insult like if you do something silly

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