
My friends keep judging me.?

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I dont really know how to say this but my friends be like ooo why do you stick your butt out when you walk, why you stick your chest out, why do you wear such short shorts, why do you try to be s**y???? and alot of other stuff like that, but its really f*ckin wit me, and im sick of it. They have been my friends since we were like 4 years old, but i just dont know wat to do. We dont get in fights or nuthing,but its getting annoying, and one of them thinks im am trying to be s**y for her boyfriend because i came outside in shorts when her and her boyfriend were across the street. And they said i was sitting all s**y and all dis S**t. (WHiCH ii WASNT!!!). I just dont know anymore. What do you think i should do?




  1. Respond to them by saying you have a loose s***w in your head and you just don't know why you do all this bizarre stuff.  Thank them for pointing it out because you had no idea how silly you get sometimes.

  2. These girls are extremely bored and have nothing in their brains. So all they can come up with is insults. I think you need friends who are more intelligent and have more on their minds.

  3. o my gawd, real friends aren't suppossed to judgeu, they're supposed to like u for who u r. My friend dresses like a "s**t" (thats wat she says) but everyone says that she doesnt........ My other friend sweres alot and acts like a stupid dumbass, thats just her personality

    Read this:;...

    its a question i asked about a week ago read what i asked

  4. Well how old are you? If your not 18 you have no business wearing short shorts and stuff.  And not only that but see how your dressing is giving you a name why do you want that. And no matter how old someone is they should never dress skippy in front of their friends boyfriends.  

  5. Why don't you try telling them how you feel. And tell them that you don't do it intentionally. Maybe they are just jealous because they don't have a big butt and big b*****s. I don't know. But honestly, if they were your true friends they should tell you in a nice way instead of being obnoxious about it. Just tell them that you don't appreciate it when they say things like that.

  6. Hun you don't need to hang out with someone who is gonna put you down and make u feel bad. True friends don't care what you look like or what your wearing they just want to be with you. True Friends don't get jealous of their own friends hanging around their boyfriends. They've known you too long not to trust you.I can imagine what's going through your mind right now. You probably can't stop thinking about it too. School is starting soon. Maybe you can try to make some new friends. I'm not trying to tell you lose your friends that you've known for so long but hey. Maybe you can distance yourself a little from them. Making new friends isn't as hard as it seems. I've had to do it before and it always turns out for the better.  

  7. well maybe try dressing modest.....and just because you have known someone for along time does not make you all friends they are probably jealous and dont listen to what they say only your opinion should matter

  8. Why not to  tell them how you feel?If you are not trying to be s**y,them maybe they are a bit insecure OR you are doing these things subconsciously.without realizing it.But if talking to each of them about their comments to you,doesn't work and you  girls can't fix the situation,them maybe you should find new friends,if they can't you as you are.

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