
My friends little boy help!!!!!?

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My friend has a two1/2 year old boy whom I say is curious, But on the other hand he is also spoiled. she lets him eat and drink where ever so when she came over one day she just let him run a muck. I do not even let my children eat nor drink in my living room my husband and I do not even eat in there. We all take off our shoes but she left his and hers on, there is a sign on the door that says please take off your shoes. He jumps on my furniture runs in my house drops crackers on my new carpeting then steps on them I kindly said something to her and she got an attitude. We have nice things in my home and I'd like to keep it that way.Is there any way that I could tell her any more nicely then I have. What I said was he is going to have to eat and drink at the table please and she said that he eats in his living room at home and his is used to that and that his sippy cup didn't not drip but it sure as heck did thank goodness for Scott's guard but I do not want to ruin it if though it is guarded.Our stuff is nice stuff and we worked hard for it and to let her son just run a muck is not right.She really dont have much herself not thats a problem I am not better then her or anybody else just because I have brand new things and other things that would cost a lot of money to have replaced.He goes up to our TV that is a lg TV and is very expensive and puts his hands on it he messes with our stero stuff she dont do nothing about it. When I say something to him she gets bent out of shape. I am not nasty when I say something I am actually overly nice and try to get him to play with something else.I know kids are curious but for real when you are at some one elses home you go in with respect RIGHT?




  1. Tell her. Dont keep letting her disrespect you or your home like that. You might be scared to confrunt her because shes your friend. But if she was your true friend she would listen to that sign on your door that says take off shoes. Or even notice that you dont let your kids eat in the living room so why hasent she niticed that yet? Tell her. CONFRUNT her. Tell her you dont want her disrespecting you, your house or your family like that. Thanks hope i could help :).

  2. That is ridiculous! I think that the next time she calls and asks to come over you should kindly say "Hey, I would love for you to come over but I was pretty upset that you allowed your son to disrespect my home and my rules in my home". Tell her your children are not even allowed to do those things and you would appreciate it if she could explain to her son that they have to respect other peoples house. If she gets an attitude with you, simply tell her that you are very sorry but you do not feel comfortable with them visiting if they cannot respect your home. She may get angry and not call for a week or whatever...but I promise if you stick to your guns and don't call her, she will call.

    Losing a friends over a simple respect issue is outrageous and she will start to see that if you make it clear.

    Good luck!

  3. I wouldn't invite her or her son over any more, until they both learn some manners!  Your house, your rules!  They both need to learn some respect- the next time you choose to get together with your friend, I would plan to go to a  park or someplace like that where the children can run free.

  4. She seems like a spoiled child as well.  Let her know the rules of the house, if she can't make her child abide by them, than let her know she is not welcome.  If you're asking about it than you are obviously upset, so don't feel bad about putting her out.  Some people need a little nudge to grow up and it might be the right medicine for her.

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