
My friends mom won't let her dance because she thinks that to dance you have to start when they little. HELP!?

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i really want to dance and i will anyway but my mom said that i might feel more comfortable doing dance with a friend.She really wants to dance to but her mom is thinking something else. We are 12 btw and we both really want to do it and with a friend. She is really upset and wants this really bad and i feel bad that her mom is putting her down and not encouraging her like a mother should be. What can i do or tell my friend to have her mom let her do this for her.




  1. It's never to late to take up new sports or activities. Lots of people take up yoga at the age of 30. That's even harder than dancing. Ask your friend to talk to her mum more often and find out from her why she wouldn't let her to take up dancing. You could even talk to her mum saying that you need a partner for this dancing lesson.

  2. What type of dancing? If it is dirty dancing (Like most stuff these days) come'on you're 12. Moms will be strict sometimes. My current girlfriend has just been allowed to go to the movies with me. And she is 16 now like me! So give it time. Also.... from past experience major rebeling never helps... but small little revolts help. Start with music then clothing/hairstyle. Just express yourself. Parents really suck sometimes and if they are religious it really sucks cuz they are controlling. Just remember you are your our person. :)

  3. you definitely dont!! most studios hip hop is more like jazz anyway.

    i started when i was in 7th grade and i am still dancing in 10th.  

  4. They were dancing in her eyes.  Is that young enough?

  5. ask your mom to talk to her mom

  6. Have a dance teacher contact your friends parent. Maybe she can talk some sense into your friends mom.

    If that doesn't work tell her it will look good on her college application. (many schools look for well-rounded students) Tell her that it will help her keep in shape. If it's too expensive for your friends mom ask the teacher what you can do to raise money for the fee.

  7. I think you, your mom and she and her mom should all sit down and have a talk together.  This way her mom can be reassured that the only thing you will be doing is dancing.  

    Also, if you let one of the moms go with you to where ever you are going to dance and chaperone this might put your friends mom at ease and she will let her daughter go with you.  Is this possible?

    Or if her mom could be around when you two are dancing maybe this will put her mind to rest that there is nothing else going on.  I know this may sound stupid and spoil some of the fun but its one way to get her to agree with letting her daughter dance with you.

  8. you don't have to be a pro it's just for having fun?!

    me&&my best friend joined ballet bout a month ago and we love it even though i did it when i was little i quit and forgot everything...good luck!!

  9. I started playing drums when I was 12, and I'm 17 now and totally awesome at it. It's never to late to learn a new skill.

  10. Obviously you're gonna have to talk to your mom and her mom.

    You definitely do not have to start at a 'young' age if you want to dance. I didn't really start dancing till I was 14, and guess what? I turned out to be a really good dancer. I can ballroom dance, irish dance, I can do ballet, choreographed dance, and I can do a cartwheel and the splits. what's important is your determination. that's what really counts.

  11. You and your friend could always just dance in your own house and follow dance videos..That way, it might be better.

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