
My friends put boys before friends?

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And I don't know what to think. They always talk about boys, and hang around boys and when they are in a relationship with a boy, they're with them like, 24/7. Then when they break up or when something goes wrong, they come back to me and tell me their woes. I try not to mind because we're friends, right, and we've been friends since elementary school, but at the same time, I get mad because friends are supposed to come before guys, right?

I don't know what to think. I mean, I know when people get older, relationships happen, but friends still come before boyfriends, right? What can I do without hurting anyone's feelings and sounding needy?




  1. if she does that then shes really not your friend your just someone thats there for her when you need her

  2. Hmm well hun you are all getting older now and its sounds like you are in high school so its normal for most girls to just want a boyfriend. They know you and know that you are always going to be there for them so they want to venture out and see what the guys side of things is.

    I met my boyfriend when i was 16 and after about a year of dating him i totally (somehow) regected my best friends, i would prefer to be with my boyfriend then them, i guess its just part of growing up i dont even know how it happend because they tell me now that i was the reason our group split up. Its a part of gettin older, just go with it :)

  3. tell me about it. i have a friend like this. it pisses me off. friends should ALWAYS come before boyfriends, but thats just me. i dont know what you can do though. luckily i only have one friend like this... maybe talk to your friends about this? or tell them to tell their boy problems to someone else.

  4. Just bring it up with them. If they don't change, and it's still bugging you, make some new friends :))


  5. say hey!


    Girls before *** holes that break your heart!


    ur nto a loser..they are

  6. hopefully they'll outgrow it

  7. Once you get a boyfriend- youll understand there piont of view. just let it be. because they'll grow up and realize its not ALL about boys.



    Tell them and jokingly say "wow, guys, obessive of boys much?"

    Then ask them if they could set aside plans for only you and your friends.

    And tell them friends come before boys =] and put a post-it note on there purse or something reminding them that girlfriends come before boys.

  9. I think everyone has this problem at some point in their lives. Everyone's friends do it, including mine just recently last year when she got her first boyfriend.

    It really hurts at first, because you talk to them and tell them everything and then they just ditch you, you know, but sometimes it helps to sit them down personally and just talk one on one about your feelings.

    Write her a letter even. It helped for me.  

  10. No worries, don't feel dumb.

    Friends should always come before boyfriends.

    This may be hard to stomach, but the people you hang with are not your friends. What bothers me the most is your phrase "come back to me".  Friends should never come back to you, they should always be there for you.

    You need to decide wheter this is a boy crazy phase that your friends are going through or a constant trend.

    My suggestion is to slowly move away from them and find a new crowd.

    Do this only after you tell them how you feel.

    You may feel as though you will be losing the only friends you have. I have known many people since kindergarten and i have learned that people change. Accept that it may be time to move on.

  11. s***w her.

  12. of course friends come before boys, if your friends dont realize that maybe one day they will

  13. Tell them "Sisters before misters."

  14. you know I have the same problem with one of my best friends.  She keeps jumping from relationship to relationship and she cries to me about all her guy problems all the time. Its all she talks about and its getting really annoying and old.  All she does is hang out with guys. She never makes any time for her friends.  And when they break up. she comes crying to me for about 2 days then she's not single anymore and starts crying to me about how much she hates him and its just a vicious cycle.

    one of my guy friends has a saying "Bros before Hoes'

    So I came up with "sisters before misters." I've talked to her and really she just doesnt care.

    just talk to your friend and tell her that you have been friends with her longer then she's known any boy she's ever gonna meet and you'd like to hang out more. I hope it works for you.

    I'd never put a boy before any one of my friends...

  15. it is supposed to be friends before the opposite s*x, but it never works like that, you just let them do their thing, and hang out when you can, thats the way i do it at least, but i dunno

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