
My friends r always fighting over stupid stuff. im always in the middle?

by  |  earlier

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my 2 best friends r always fighting about random stuff. i always get pulled into it, and then because i dont want 2 choose who is rite, they boh get anry at me.





  1. if its really stupid stuff you shouldn't get involved but if it isn't you should really pick a side or make your own side. because we humans will improve and go to the nest level with arguing together.but this argue must have a goal other wise you wisting your time and make your Friends mad of your self's.

  2. well say that its there problem and they have to deal with it themselfs and if thay get mad at you for sayin that then thay arent real friends

  3. if your friends are not listning your wise voice ...

    so you just keep quite and enjoy the fight  

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