
My friends say I'm addicted to p**n, what defines a p**n addicts vs. someone who's likes to watch it?

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My friends say I'm addicted to p**n, what defines a p**n addicts vs. someone who's likes to watch it?




  1. I used to be addicted to watching and reading pornography when I was a teenager. I also enjoyed having cyber s*x which I guess is a form of p**n.

    I would come home from school and spend the entire evening and most of the night engaging in p**n.

    I'd also enjoy some p**n before I went to school and whenever I was at the school computer lab I would consider reading a little p**n, but I never did because I was scared someone was monitoring my account.

    I felt ashamed of my p**n viewing and did everything i could to hide it.

    Then, I would look forward to times when my family weren't home so I could have the house to myself and openly enjoy my p**n without having to hide it.

    I also rarely went out with friends because I was so excited to come home and search for free erotica stories.

    If you ever act like that then you are probably an addict.

  2. Signs that you are addicted to p**n... you watch it daily, you cannot have positive & healthy relationships, you are spending a lot of money on p**n, you spend more time watching p**n then getting out and doing things, you watch p**n within an hour of getting home or when you first wake up, you don't realize that p**n is fantasy not reality, you cannot get an erection without p**n, you watch p**n on others computers (friends, family, work).

    Most people enjoy p**n and watching it once in a while is not a big deal. When it interferes with your daily life, sexual relationships.... then there is a problem.

  3. p**n is fine to watch as long as it does not interfere with your relationships and responsibilities.  If you find that you are unable to pay bills, neglecting work or personal relationships then it may be addiction.

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