
My friends think my boyfriend is ugly. are they right? *photo*?

by  |  earlier

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i love my boyfriend, but my friends think he is ugly. No matter what, i love him, but is that true? We are both 13, so dont comment on age.




  1. Who cares what your friends think, they're not dating him, you are.........

    He doesn't look ugly at all, he looks like a 13 year old, (handy for you), who he is trumps what he looks like anyway.


  2. not at all.  He just looks very young and they probably, like most young girls, are attracted to an older looking guy.  He's actually very cute and will most likely be a very good-looking adult.  He has very nice features.  

  3. That's that actor Corey Feldman. Why would you put up a bogus photo? Uncool.

  4. grow up who cares about youre 13 year old friends oh and honey, questioning your bf's looks? that's not love.

  5. who cares if your friends think hes ugly. your happy and thats all that matters.

  6. wow your 13 that must be a real relationship...anyway hes chubby

  7. who cares if we think he's ugly or your friends think he's ugly? You're the one dating him, not us, not them, so you're opinion is the only one that matters on this subject. Just ignore them the next time they say he's ugly or you can tell them "it doesn't matter what you think" cause it doesn't. Hope this helps.  

  8. you should not be asking the question to us, cause you already know the answer.... you love him.

    that is what is important....

  9. I don't think he's ugly at all. I like his hair and he's got a really sweet face and pretty lips. I think that's pretty ****** up of your friends to say that to you.They don't seem to be that good of friends. s***w them it's how you feel that counts right? They're not the ones that have to be with him so they should really just mind their  own business. I hope you two do great together, Good Luck!

  10. he looks cute. but the black and white makes him look a little dark in the face. theres nothing wrong so dont worry at all.

    Help Me Please Everybody:;...

  11. Hahah yeah def.

    Age is important in how attractive someone is.

    And little kids aren't attractive.

  12. He too cute. Don't listen to her. She's just a hater.

  13. He's not ugly. He's not hot, he's just cute (in a 13 year old boy, cute, kinda way)

  14. He looks like a cute skater boy to me! The thing matters is you love him. Ignore what others tell you.

  15. the fact that you have this post, shows that you have some doubt in him. if you love him just forget what your friends are saying, they're probably jealous.

  16. Of course I'm going to mention your age....way too young to be so into this. You need to slow down and be a kid.

    As for your "boyfriend" and his looks.......the only thing that matters is your opinion. Who cares what your friends think. If you were older and more mature with some experience, you would understand this a bit better...that is why I mentioned your age and why others might mention it too.

  17. he could use a haircut.  I wouldn't say he's ugly..  

    Also, you're too young to date, wait until you are at least 16.

  18. he's kinda cute...

    dont care wat ur friends think...its YOUR boyfriend

    have fun wid him ;)

    plz answer mine;...

  19. extremely ugly

  20. This is a terrible thing to do. You're posting a picture of your bf on the internet for everyone to see, probably without him knowing, and then asking a group of complete strangers to judge his looks.

    That's not love. If you loved him, you'd tell those who were saying mean things to shove their heads up their butts and move on. You wouldn't be so insecure about his looks. Love is unwavering, not subject to opinion.

    It's hard not to comment on your age when it's so obviously a factor in your predicament. Spare him the embarrassment and grow up a little first.


  22. no offense but who cares they aren't very nice friends if they said that and who cares what they say your life ps not at all ugly in my books though thats just from a guys point of view

  23. your 13 you dont love him, who cares just have fun being friends with him

  24. He looks like he fell off the ugly tree, hit every branch on the way down, gnawed on the root, and then got his face run over by the lawnmower.

  25. Who cares what your friends think. You guys are really just kids. As long as he makes you happy that's all that matters.

  26. Your friends suck, and no hes cute!

  27. i believe if you see him for who he is on the inside and not just on the outside then you have what it takes to fall in love.  your friends only judge him on the outside and are blind to see him as a person.  im glad for you that you have found someone to love and loves you back and cares about you congrats.  one small thing if you really want to appease your friends then wash his hair with garnie fructisse shampoo and conditioner sleek and shine probably and get him some axe body wash with an axe scrubbie to boot if you want and maybe some good acne wash.  dont have to. i see both sides but i see a person for a person.  hope this helps

  28. YEAH

  29. WOW that face could stop a clock. haha just kidding. he looks ok to me. he is going to look better in a couple of years when he matures.

  30. hunny, please take this down. anyone can see these and theres a high chance h**l see it! how do you think h**l feel? and if you care about someone why would you submit him to this? i really hope this is a joke....

  31. He actually resembles a kid I dated in high school. I'm still friends with the guy to this day because he was such a cool person.  

    Listen, your boyfriend is cute in an unconventional way, and obviously that's what you like. So why should others' opinions matter if you are happy and doing what you want?

    Plus, the mainstream hot guys are usually conceited and boring.

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