
My friends think that I'm weird for not liking milk. What should i say?

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Now, i hate milk! No one in my family likes it and we don't drink it! I used to be allergic to it when i was a baby. i just hate it now!

But no matter what it will always come up in the conversation.

(they all love milk) Like a few days ago i had oranges and my friend was eyeballing them and i said u can have some,

and she said no i dont like oranges and i said ok and she said but at least i like milk but like they dont like soda and stuff

What am i supposed to say to them the enext time they say something like that (they will say other stuff like how are you gonna get ur calcium and i say i will eat my leafy greens or u wont have strong bones and i say everyone that i know who loves milk has broken a bone)




  1. looool! i think they r weird for liking milk!! i hate it soooooooo much espciallly cold milk i might take it hot with chocolate but not alwaysss!! alll normall teenagers are like that i swear....and theres thousands of things u could eat tht have the same calcium the milk has and more just let them talk and dont care ur normal they r weird just say that to uself all the time =) gd luck

  2. Ok Milk is very gross and makes me gag (no joke)

    I can't drink my cereal milk or anything, and my doctor gets mad at me lol

    "It's just milk, why are you guys obsessing over it. You guys dont like pop and I don't care"

    But in a nice way

    Good luck  

  3. Hmm i don't like milk either,

    and i am also vegetarian and people say stupid stuff like that to me about not eating meat.

    Just ignore it, it's duuumb.

    and wtf?? Milk is freaking gross

  4. I would tell them, "don't you all have something else to worry about than if I like milk or not? Do us all a favor and grow up a little bit, ok?"

    And if that doesn't work say, "Oh you like milk huh? What other fluids do you drink out of a cow?"

  5. i think its weird that ur friends think ur weird for not liking milk...i love it myself, but its a personal preference...not everyone likes milk but that doesnt make a person weird

  6. thats just plain creepy....

    tell her that cows are diseased and have heartworm and that the worms can get in the milk... worked for me!

  7. omg! your your own one can tell you what you cant and cant sure they have some weird stuff about them..(i dont like milk either)  and when they least i like milk..tell them..well at least i like soda! that's weird not liking soda but liking only milk??

  8. So, what's the problem??  Why do you have to say anything?

    Say that you're happy they love it but you don't and change the subject.

    You certainly shouldn't feel pressured over such a stupid thing as they like milk and you don't!!!

    Come on!!

  9. just say your sick of talking about milk!you dont like it other people dont like it and they need to drop it.

  10. any time you can get it into the conversation.. say

    at least i like soda.

    or if you wanna show them that their getting really annoying and your actually pissed, say      why does it matter?      and just sit therre and wait for them to come up with an answer.. because they wont be able to.    tell them that its obnoxious.

    i seriously would. if your friends, then that shouldnt be a big deal.

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