
My friends want to move to the states from the uk...advice?????

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my friends are married with two school age children.

they would like to move to Texas for many reasons.

cost of living is so much better! real estate is cheap!

we have great schools and universities ect.

BUT they have family and friends in the UK and they don't want to completly close the door on returning to the UK.

we do not know what the best possible route for them to take is....what are their options??

they have what is the options for insurance, heath care etc

any advice or web sites to check out??

we prefer an insiders view on what to expect!






  1. It is nearly impossible for U.K. citizens to immigrate to the U.S.  If they have unusual and much needed work skills, they may qualify, or if they have immediate family here to sponsor them,  otherwise they need to apply through the Diversity Lottery program...a very long, difficult process that accepts about one in every 60 applicants and takes several years.  Anyway, U.K. citizens currently cannot apply through this program because the U.K. is over the quota for this 5 yr. period.  They would need to wait till the U.K. is again eligible in a few years. is highly unlikely that they will be able to immigrate. I know you said they are retired, but... Unless they can get a work contract with an employer for a specific period of time for a specific job, an employer who would sponsor their work visa, or they have millions and can qualify as investors... no way.  You can see sites below to read about immigration and the diversity lottery.  MANY U.K. citizens want to move to the U.S. and cannot. There are literally dozens of inquiries just Ike this on Answers every week. However, they are able to move to any other E.U. country, so may want to consider that.  Fact is, most of the world wants to move to the U.S....that's why it is so difficult. is almost as difficult for an American to immigrate to or work in any European country.  I am sure this is not what they want to hear, but is is simply the way things are.

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