
My front tooth goes over top of the other one a little bit.

by Guest32559  |  earlier

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My front tooth over laps my other front tooth a little and a few days ago i noticed i have alot of pain in the tooth thats being pushed behind my other front tooth.. if i tap my bottom teeth against it, it hurts like CRAZY. My teeth are crowded a little but my dentitst never told me i needed braces.. would i need a root canal.. or it is just because my tooth is being pushed and moved around?.. Should i get braces to help fix it or would it need to be pulled?.





  1. It could be a cavity, a pinched nerve, or a very sensitive tooth. If it is bothering you that bad, talk to your dentist about having a back tooth removed and getting braces to adjust the remaining teeth. talk to him about the problem. If he says there is no problem... go to another dentist who cares that you are hurting.

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