
My fundal Height is at 14 and I'm 15 weeks is this normal?

by  |  earlier

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The doctor didn't say anything but looked confused should it be at 15?




  1. wow. i'm surprised that even measured you right now. my doctor didn't first measure me until i was 30 weeks. in the first stages of pregnancy it's normal to be a little small and you are only a week off so you are fine. not until you get around 30-32 weeks does it really matter. so don't worry all is well

  2. A couple cm either direction is perfectly normal. I always measured 2-3cm large. The measurements are only used to make sure you continue growing somewhat consistently, it's not an exact science.

  3. normally doctors dont measure you until you are about 20 weeks along. but in any case 1-2 cm is ok to be off. right now im about 2 cm larger. im was terrified at first that i was going to have a large child, turns out he's fine. im just measuring kinda big. good luck!

  4. It seems alright if you ask me. According to the site I checked, it should be around 4.5 inches long.. That's about 12cm.


    You should ask questions to your doctor on your next visit. I did that a lot. I asked the fundal height, baby's heartbeat and other questions. It's their job to make you feel less paranoid.

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