
My fuschia hasn't flowered this year?

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I have a 3 year old fuschia that has reliably flowerd for the past two summers. This summer...nothing. The foliage looks great, the plant is growing, and I water and fertilize regularly. Nothing has changed about the lighting, temperature,etc. Does anyone have any idea why it hasn't flowered, and what I could do? Thanks!




  1. Try feeding with chicken pellets (available garden centres & quite cheap). Regards. UK

  2. It may be reverting back to seed, or it may be the strange weather patterns that we've been having lately.  For example, my EASTER lillies just bloomed in July.  What's wrong with this picture?  Give them another month, and if you don't see any activity of any blooms appearing, you might want to consult a professional at a local home improvement center (Like:  Home Depot, Armstrong Gardens, Lowe's)

    Good Luck!!

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