
My future car is the Smart Car if u ever heard of it...tell me if u heard of it and tell me ur favorite car?

by  |  earlier

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Smart cars have a 4 star safety !! that is awesome they are nine feet long and are the smallest car ever!




  1. yes i see one all the time but they are also coming out with the four passenger version.... i just dont like that the fuel mileage is just the same as other four cylinder cars with great gas mileage so whats the point ill stick to my del sol

  2. they've been here in canada a few years... i don't see the logic... you can buy a cheap domestic car with comparable economy for less money, like a focus, or cobalt, or aveo

    i've seen a smart car under a cement truck.... it wasn't pretty... i couldn't tell it was a smart car untill it was on the news that night, not a thing was identifiable except all the blood the fire truck was hosing off the freeway

    though in another sense, my 1st car was my favorite... a 76 mini cooper.... same boat, too small to be safe, but i paid much much less for it than a comparable car, if it cost the same as a bigger car, id have gotten a bigger car... you have a choice

  3. Yes I have seen them many times and as far as I am concerned even if they have a 4-star rating, you really need to understand that they are very dangerous, do more research and you will see.

  4. Yes, I have....

    I would take a Porsche 911 or 944 turbo over some small toy car.

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