
My g/f is at Fort Jackson for Basic, and I havn't heard from her in 3 1/2 weeks.?

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Well, my g.f. is at basic at Fort Jackson, and my dad died, so I wrote her a letter. Soon afterwards her letters stopped coming. She graduates in a few days, but I'm kinda confused cause she begged me to come to graduation, and she never called me to tell me the details. I care about her, but she hasn't contacted her family either if I'm correct. I'm not positive about that, she stated in her last letter that stamps were getting expensive, but I'm not sure if she ran out of money, or not. It's quite annoying, cause she called me once since she was over there, and that was a week after she was in. Then she would call her dad (which I understood that. cause that's her family) but, she told me she had calls every sunday morning and to be awake. I was awake, but no call. I would just like to hear a personal opinion, cause honestly I don't know if she forgot about me or what, but I've been loyal, and it's just annoying cause I turned a lot of girls down and made a lot of people mad for her.




  1. Yeah, you can stop calling her your g/f now.

  2. Thats a tough one, basic is a whole nother world.  She could just be so exhausted she cant think straight or she could feel its changed her so much she wants to move on.  I say only time will tell.

  3. it sounds like shes trying to avoid you ,but be patient maybe im wrong or try to talk to her family to see whats going on. good luck

  4. I think you are going to have to put your insecurities away and look at this with an open mind. Your g/f has just gone through an experience that is gear towards making her a machine. I'm going to bet its not you, its simply her. She's asked you to come to graduation, so I would do that. Call her father or mother and ask for the details, tell them she asked you to come. Don't mention that she hasn't called. Just go. You'll figure out what's going on pretty soon when you see her.

    I'm sorry for the loss of your father.

  5. I dated a guy that was in basic training and we wrote for a little while and like you the letters stopped the phone calls stopped.  Here later I found out that all mail sent to a person is read before they even get it.  If you have anything in your letter about home, your relationship while they are in basic training then that letter never gets to them until they have completed their training.  I was told that all phone calls are monitored as well and plus they have a time limit.  So maybe is she called her dad she ran out of time to try and call you.  I know how you feel.  If you care for her that much then I would wait until basics is over and you two can talk and see where the relationship stands.  Believe me I know its hard, but if she is worth it, then I would try to hang in there a little longer.  Good luck and I wish you all the best.

  6. in basic they dont get alot of phone time or writting time. believe me i know what its like to wonder. my  huby just graduated AIT. they do get phonecalls only on sunday. if she dont have her cell and is using there pay phones she might not get the chance to use the phone. the pay phones are limited. and they keep them so busy in basic if you did get a letter, it wouldnt say much. when she goes to AIT things will be better. once they get signes in there and all they  get to call everyday. but if your worried about her now your not goin to like it when she goes to AIT. they can drink, go off base and everything. you have to have ALOT of trust during this time, knowing that if she did do something youll never know. you have to have trust. but jsut give her a lil bit to see if she calls or writes. just ask her family if theyve heard from her. if they havent, obviously shes not had time, if they have ask them if she said anythign about you. shes probably just low on time, i wouldnt worry yet. but as i said if your worrying now you might need to ask yourself why your worrying. if your already scared shes cheating i dont know what to say, youve jsut started. . . . . hope you work things out

  7. puyying myself in your shoes i can see how that would be frusturating , i would call her family just to make sure everything is alright even if it means swallowing your pride a little , maybe she is just having a hard time and dosent know what to tell you , when people arnt in the same place often times they dont have much in common any more .  im sorry about your father and im sure it sucks not to have your girlfriend there to help .

  8. I don't think that you should take this personal. She is in Basic training and deserves alot of credit for her courage. I could never, ever do what she is doing. I am sure it is very grueling, hard work with many, many long hours. I don't think she has forgotten you, I think that she is just foucusing on what she is suppose to right now and that is getting the job done so she can come home to you and her family! I think you should be very proud of this woman you call your girlfriend because I am proud of her and I don't even know her. Many blessings,  peace be with you!

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