
My gal friend is blackmailing me.plz help?

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hello i am basically from pune and my gal friend from bangalore..i meet her very rarely like once in a two months as we both are studying..we are in relation for the last three years..but suddenly before eight months she luired me to do s*x with her..she use to wear all seductive dresses and finally we did intercourse 8 months before..and last time we had s*x was 3 months before..i was very true to her..i made her to come to meet my parents and i met their parents and both side accepted so i thought i should marry her..but for the last 2 months she was tourchering me for all small things, she is behaving so strange and putting up fight for small things and not even compromising, now she started blackmailing me that she will tell about s*x between us to my parents...i am totally confused by her behaviour..i am not trying to escape but i am trying my best to be with her..i even came from UK last year by discontinuing my studies..i am really helpless..she is telling me she go to court and ruin my life...PLZ SOMEONE TELL ME WHAT I DID WAS OFFENCE? I DIDNT RAPE HER BUT WE HAD s*x WITH MUTUAL PLEASURE..PLZ SOME ONE TELL ME CAN SHE SPOIL MY FUTURE BY PUTTING CASE ON ME ?




  1. Get married. Thats the best way to save your reputation.

    As Mahatma Gandhi's mother rightly said better stay away from wine,meat and girls(s*x).They cause harm.

  2. Just because people from "your" country speak with an accent does not mean they WRITE with an accent. Nice try, but you are describing a potentially disastrous problem, and I'll save an answer for someone who really is facing a false accusation of rape.

  3. Run don't walk away from her, if necessary inform your parents before she does and disarm her threat.

    The girl must be unstable and I'm sure would continue to make your life miserable as long as you let her.

  4. break up with her go back to school

  5. Live in relationship in India has not so much reorganization as one see in other foreign countries. Even the law (courts & law makers) have divided opinion on this topic. The very long live in relationship say 25 or 30 years has been recognized as been married in the eye of law hence they considered married in the eye of law too. However with the newer generation getting influence by the western counterparts have started live in together without entering in actual legal marriage, hence the parents & society has even given their assent to this live in relationship. When both parties mutually agree to live in together or even be in relationship without actually living together then to indulge in sexual relationship is but natural phenomenon. The age of both plays very important role in these cases. The man of 26 years & woman of 24 years are considered quite mature sexually. By no circumstance both medically or legally considered immature that not to understand what sort of relationship they are entering into. The age itself shows that usually by this age most of the younger generation people are already married & even become parents. This age in no circumstance can any woman be said to be have allured for s*x by the man without her free will or consent,forcebly made to indulge in s*x without any medical evidence to prove her charge against the man. The provision of Rape as well defined under section 375 of the Indian Penal Code provides :- A man is said to commit "rape" who, except in the case hereinafter excepted, has sexual intercourse with a woman under circumstances falling under any of the six following descriptions: -

    First: - Against her will.

    Secondly: -without her consent.

    Thirdly: - With her consent, when her consent has been obtained by putting her or any person in whom she is interested in fear of death or of hurt.

    Fourthly: -With her consent, when the man knows that he is not her husband, and that her consent is given because she believes that he is another man to whom she is or believes herself to be lawfully married.

    Fifthly: - With her consent, when, at the time of giving such consent, by reason of unsoundness of mind or intoxication or the administration by him personally or through another of any stupefying or unwholesome substance, she is unable to understand the nature and consequences of that to which she gives consent.

    Sixthly: - With or without her consent, when she is under sixteen years of age.

    Explanation: - Penetration is sufficient to constitute the sexual intercourse necessary to the offence of rape.

    Exception: -Sexual intercourse by a man with his wife, the wife not being under fifteen years of age, is not rape.    In the present case I see no such facts or circumstances where the woman can charge the man for the act of rape & get him punished. Rather their being in good relationship for three years, both their parents aware of the relationship & well recognized relationship in the eye of families & the society, the charge of rape by the woman will not be taken by the court unless she is able to prove by sufficient medical evidence of forceful sexual assault on her & the forceful penetration which caused injuries to show & prove by medical evidence. In absence of all these, the question of charging the man with act of rape is wrong. More so the last sexual relationship took place about three months back for which bringing fresh medical examinations will show no substantial evidence of injuries in the vaginal area of the woman. Considering all these you should be very frank in your approach & if you have to call off this relationship do it amicably & peacefully between both of you.

  6. Thank god as he showed u the ugly side of  ur friends face who was going to b ur life partner. Imagine if ur not able to handle her before marriage what will happen after marriage she will have more reasons for black mailing u for whole life wasting ur life. Tell ur parents what happened because if what u say is true Parents will be on ur side. Bcoz they have faced the life and they know how  some people are. Just tell them

  7. "but for the last 2 months she was tourchering me for all small things, she is behaving so strange and putting up fight for small things and not even compromising"

    Sounds like you are married already!

  8. Go along with the blackmail and tape her secretly as she talks about it,but when you do this mix it in with other conversation so she's not suspicious. Get a micro cassette recorder. After you have this take it to the police and don't threaten here with it because she's evil and will beat you to the punch. You might want to call a lawyer first,but DO WHAT SHE SAYS UNTIL YOU ARE IN CONTROL OF SITUATION!

    Then when you file a police report go to your parents and tell them first before her and be honest. This is called choosing your medicine. Just tell them you loved her and they might understand. now I don't know your countries laws or if you will be persecuted by your religion. Either way never fight until you control the situation. Make notes too about about events and give detail of dates of what she said and when including time of day and where. This alone makes you believable. Also if you have love relations with her again tape it with sound and/or video and this alone will show that you didn't rape her because they will know that if you did she wouldn't be with you again. Get a secret video tape that has a date stamp on it. Look for a spy store. Always make sure what you do is legal in your Country and State.

    Remember this is a possible rape case so you MUST be smart and get evidence on her as a liar!

  9. You should not be worried, whatever happened that night, you two are the only witnesses, plus it will be your word against hers, nothing brutal can ever come to happen. Mutual s*x is not a crime, she's crazy.  

  10. Why r u betraying her

  11. since u are ready to marry her..there will be no problem for u... as if  she sue's u u can say u are ready to marry her.

  12. may be you should try to talk with your parents about all this clearly although i do know that it will be hard ,irritating and shamefull but it may help you  to come out from you bad time and uncertain future.sometimes parents advices are much better than lawyers cause they only wants best for their child.

    but i also wants you to meet her and try to talk with her may be someone has told her something bad about you try to clear your differences if you are serious about your marriage cause marriage is all about compromises and believe.

    good luck.

  13. U  dnt wry......well since she is the girl she shud b worried that u wud tell any1 abt ur the next time she threatens u ...dnt wry...tell her to go on sure she wont go to the court...even if she does u can say :if she did it unwillingly then she shud have complained by then...if u really wanna marry her then make her understand that wat she is doing is rong and tell her that she is the one going to b affected more than her if she goes to the court...coz no 1 will marry her...i guess...anyway good luck....u dnt need to bother...RELAX!!!!!!!!!!

  14. *Both of you are major, so s*x is not an offence.

    *She can't claim rape as she cannot prove it now (as she is not pregnant) unless you accept that you both had s*x. So even if she says that she will tell ALL, just be clever enough to refuse everything including s*x. You have to ensure that you seem honest on this count, ok. If you do so, she can't do anything as she is not pregnant, remember.

    *Get back to your studies and forget this BlTCH, she will torture you more once you commit the blunder of marrying her. Break all communication lines with her.

    Good Luck!

  15. let her tell your parents. let her do whatever she wants

    just tell if i suffered because of you for few days you will suffer your entire life

    and just enjoy your studies

  16. Since when is s*x a crime? Who cares whether she tells everyone including the pope about you two having s*x? Go back to the UK and finish your studies. Next time she threatens you just tell her to go ahead and do it. Then tell her you two are finished at the same time.

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