
My gal friend is blakmailing and making my life h**l. PLZ HELP!!?

by  |  earlier

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hello i am basically from pune and my gal friend from bangalore..i meet her very rarely like once in a two months as we both are studying..we are in relation for the last three years..but suddenly before eight months she luired me to do s*x with her..she use to wear all seductive dresses and finally we did intercourse 8 months before..and last time we had s*x was 3 months before..i was very true to her..i made her to come to meet my parents and i met their parents and both side accepted so i thought i should marry her..but for the last 2 months she was tourchering me for all small things, she is behaving so strange and putting up fight for small things and not even compromising, now she started blackmailing me that she will tell about s*x between us to my parents...i am totally confused by her behaviour..i am not trying to escape but i am trying my best to be with her..i even came from UK last year by discontinuing my studies..i am really helpless..she is telling me she go to court and ruin my life...PLZ SOMEONE TELL ME WHAT I DID WAS OFFENCE? I DIDNT RAPE HER BUT WE HAD s*x WITH MUTUAL PLEASURE..PLZ SOME ONE TELL ME CAN SHE SPOIL MY FUTURE BY PUTTING CASE ON ME ?




  1. I don't think you should marry such a nut. or else after marriage she'll continue blackmailing you for different things

  2. probably she mi8 have several other sexual connections in bangalore.. just leave her and enjoy ur life and career...

    better to be clear to ur parents on her matter...

  3. Run, do not walk away from this crazy person. She is 24 and you are 26. Why the heck are you worried about her telling your parents and her parents that you had s*x? Who cares?? Man up and just get away from her. Do you really want to marry her if she is going to behave like this? I wouldn't.

  4. You are both grown people..leave her alone..she will break your heart..

    and your spirit..there are many people who behave in an ill manner..

    be strong and do what you came here to do..make a life for yourself.. there will that perfect someone for just isnt her..

  5. My Dear friend,

    You don't have to panicy about the matter. First of all, be brave and don't loose your heart. You can tell her that she was free to do whatever she wants to do. You both are adults and if two adults have intercourse without any hue and cry from either side, it is taken for granted that the intercourse was done with the consent of both the parties. Had she reported the matter to the police even immediate after the intercourse, the burden of proof would had been on her shoulders to prove that it was a rape. Then the question arises why did she not cry and why her clothes etc were intact. It means the intercourse, was of course done but with the mutual consent of bothe the parties, which is not a crime. Let her tell this fact to your parents, you can also tell your parents that she had incited you for the s*x, and you did, and now she was blackmailing you. Your parents may get a little bit angry, and tell them that since she is behaving in such an indecent way before marriage, she will make your life like h**l after marriage. So you are not ready to marry her. Really speaking she can cannot drag you to the court of law. Also if she speaks to parents, she will degrade herself. So forget about the threats, and let her do whatever she feels like doing and tell her that you were not going to marry her. Now, regarding your broken studies, please return to UK for taking up your studies again and finish your course. Now, take it for granted she cannot spoil your future.

  6. cahllange her that you never had s*x with her.

    Ask her that you have proof had she had s*x with other men

    just torture her back

    she will stop certainly

  7. wow she sounds like a real nut case............If i wer u I would leave her

  8. About the court thing... . Its okay..Don't worry... She can't drag you to court as both of you decided to have s*x.. You didn't force her into it...

  9. Dear Maddy,

    Looks like your girl friend wants you to leave her, she does not want to tell you on face so she is acting this way. She does not want to marry and commit to u. U had s*x.  even your parents don't have a problem getting you guys married, it only means, she does not want you.

    Now what you do is leave her, break up with her, even if she drags you to court, she cant prove a thing. even if she does say she has ur baby, then there is always the DNA test. if it can prove that it is your baby and not of anyone else's then she can win the case. when you know that there is no chance on this earth that you could have gotten her pregnant, stop ruining your life around this person. if she tells your parents let her. i know it is the most dreaded thing, but you have to face your fears. don't worry everything will be alright.  

    if she goes public she will be forced to marry you coz  Indian society does not like girls who sleep around before marriage and family prestige is a BIG issue and not many people will want to marry her and have a free baby. so don't worry, say her chapter is closed, move on and make ur life what u wanted it to be. DO NOT EVER THINK OF MARRYING THIS PERSON.

  10. she'll ruin your life , if you dont leave her now... maybe she's just an attention seeker... I wonder why you quit studies for a stupid girl.. Tell her you dont give a d**n about her telling your parents.if she does tell then be a man face your parents.dont you think your life is more important than a few embarassing moments with your parents..? they are your parents.. they'll understand.. atleast you'll get rid of this stupid girl!!

    anyway she'll be affected too....

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