
My garbage disposal has started to drain into my bathtub on the lower level. Any ideas why?

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I live in a two 1/2 story house with my kitchen on the top floor and the master bedroom on the lower floor. Yesterday, my garbage disposal contents started coming up in the drain of the bathtub. Any idea why this happened and what I can do to fix it? We have no other plumbing issues in the house that I can see.




  1. Sounds like the sewer is backing up, needs to be cleaned, call a plumber.

  2. You are soon about to have other issues with the plumbing. The line is partially clogged and is soon going to be totally plugged. Are you very handy? Are you willing to get really dirty? Are you patient? Rodding out the sewer lines is not for the faint of heart and may entail taking up toilets or digging up the exterior lines to the house if there are no cleanouts available. The most direct way is calling in a professional service. Not necessarily a plumber. Good luck and get on this ASAP!

  3. You obviously have a blockage in your drainage system, and you need to get a plumber onto it as soon as you can, as the next thing that will be getting into your bath will be the contents of your toilet bringing with it the attendant health problems.

  4. You could have a clog farther down the line, where the pipe hits the street. can you borow a sewer snake?

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