
My garden soil is full of clay, how can I improve it?

by Guest64322  |  earlier

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I used to have one of those pebble gardens to the side of my house, I have taken it all up and started digging it over but the soil is terrible and full of clay. I am wanting to grass the area over but have no chance with the soil as it is, is there anyway I can improve it?




  1. All of the above. BUT add some sand in as well.

    Because it is abrasive it helps to break up the clay plus it helps with the drainage.

  2. Dig in plenty of heavy organic matter like manure/peat/top soil. You will only be able improve a heavy clay soil so much and you may consider putting in a soak away drain to improve drainage.

  3. Dig in lots of peat and manure and leave it to over winter.

  4. Dig in a mixture of compost and sand.

  5. Spent mushroom compost is ideal, rotovate it in if you can.

  6. Lots of peat,, manure  greenstuff  Dig it fairly deep  t*t will stop the clay congealing back to one gooey mass\ again  Takes a while though  Keep digging turn it over     Best time is to do lawn is next spring    

  7. If you only want to grass the area, get or hire a rotovator or tiller when the ground is reasonably dry the machine will break the clay up, go over the area quite a few times until you have a reasonable tilth. rake the area to get it as level as possible, pick up any large stones, then turf it,or if you want to seed it you may have to import some topsoil.

    Turf is quite easy to lay and you have a instant lawn. But keep it watered if you get a dry spell of weather. ( Not likely in Britain this year)

    Good luck with your lawn.

  8. two things,peat moss and red dig up the soil in and around the plants,put in the peat moss in and then cover with the mulch..leave it over winter, and in the spring you put some top soil on top of it....this will make the mulch rot and in turn will help the soil for you to should try roses next year,and put some more mulch around the roses...good luck..  

  9. If you are lucky there will be a local company who composts all the green waste that goes to your tip. They normally sell soil improver and maybe turf cheaper than the same sort of stuff from a garden centre. Very eco too.

    I've also seen a chemical for sale called claybreaker. My Dad used to use it.  

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