
My g*y boyfriend dumped me and i keep on missing him !!!!! what should i do???

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I'm a guy and i have a secret love relationship with my g*y classmate and he broke up with me last month we kissed, and had s*x..., our relationship lasted only for 5 months,.. I was really hurt when he text me that he wants to break up with me because he wants to be a "man" even though he had s*x with me he wants to change and yet after a few days later he still acts girly in the class room... and i him... . at the start of our relationship when weve first met his love for me was great and he made many promises for me that he will never leave me, and I WAS SOO DUMB TO BELIEVE IT!!!!! ... and now i think IM moving on, but i still miss him! does he still loves me? does a g*y guy can ever changer to straight even though he love kissing me and have s*x with me? btw.. I want to make him beg and come back to me i want to make him feel the pain a suffered when he dumped me.. at the class I always ignore him but he sometimes stare at me and smiles. what sign is this?... oh btw.. he said that im his first crush the day weve first met.




  1. Awwww thats really upsetting. i know exactly how you feel. i really fancied a guy at school but he didnt love me and i wanted him to feel how i felt when  he didnt love me and show him how much it hurts. aspecially as he went out with my best friend... who knew i really loved him at the time. i know how frustrating it is and it really isnt easy trying to move on. it wasnt fair for him to make all those promises but you just have to focus on other things.. confide in your friends. you seem like a really sensitive person and really caring and compassionate. just bear in mind that its only been month so its not unnormal to still love him. it does take time. but you'll get there in the end and realise that its him whos missing out on having you in his life.

    just focus on the good things in life and it'll all work out!

    i hope you feel happier soon

    ellie x

  2. You are going to fine almost every one goes through this experiences. I would suggest you also put you question in the area for g*y people. There is a special area here & you can probably get people who can tell you if they were in the same situation & how they go through. I believe people come into our life for as long as they are supposed to then they live. Someone even better may be on their way to you. Or you 2 might end up back together. Just say "I trust the process of life".

  3. make him jealous

  4. g*y people are sorry im not g*y, but they are...

  5. If there is anything I learn from relationship, it’s never to turn back when you are dumped. It only makes you look even more pathetic. Save your dignity and leave. I understand there maybe anger in your heart, but let your feeling settle a bit and move on. There is no use holing on false hope that he will come back.  

  6. stop missing him, you are in control of your thoughts, just think about what a happy person you were before him, and you will be happy again. Do what you always did, what comes around gos around. Have a good day. You deserve that.

  7. I'm pretty sure he's absolutely 100 % g*y. I think he just hasn't come to terms with it yet... And when it comes to breaking up, there's no difference between g*y or straight relationships. You're gonna feel like **** for a while, and then you'll get over it. It's S****y, but that's just the way things go.

  8. First of all, no matter what gender you are or what your boyfriend/girlfriend's gender is, you probably shouldn't have s*x at 5 years, but then again, you really can't get pregnant so I haven't made my  point, yet. It's time to move on. Don't try to get him back because he'll hurt you again. ;)

    Good Luck,

    Carmen ♥

  9. he sounds like a lieing d**k to me. move on find someone else who will treat you right and appreciate you.

  10. He's probably thinking about s*x with you and nothing else.

  11. find a new boyfriend that isn't g*y?

  12. i don't think you can turn a g*y guy into a straight guy... one you're there u stay there. i just think he's trying to hurt your feelings for whatever reason...

    good luck

  13. Just find another g*y boyfriend.There are plenty of more on the "down low" guys out there.I think you just have to find them.

  14. idk. jus get over it  

  15. You should do what any other logical person would do - find someone else...

  16. He can't quit you

  17. its normal to miss someone and there is no cure for the broken heart but for your ex eventually he'll realize that he will never be straight...your either g*y or not...just give him time, but also remember to forgive and forget...if he decides to come back to you don't try to inflict the same hurt and pain he did on you...that would be childish and it would just start a never ending cycle of "got you, got you back!" be mature about it, he'll come around and if he doesnt then move on

  18. maybe you should pray about the whole thing.

  19. people who are g*y, straigh and bi all get into relationships and break up

    sexual orientation has nothing to do with breaking up or getting back together

    sounds to me like the two of you are over

    if your ex wants to try to be straight, then that's his situation and probably also his struggle to deal with

    there is nothing you can do to stop him from doing this

    i hope you are able to move on soon

    you sound really stuck on this person

    good luck

  20. That is honestly so hard to answer.. Go with your heart and dont wear it on your sleeve to get hurt like this again. Dont play games like being hard to get or anything because it just hurts you more if they do not feed into your game or dont play it back. just be you and if he loves you and still is crushing on you then he will realize that on his own and make his way back to you! Everyone is different and you know yourself best so if you know how to control your feelings and make yourself happy then thats what you need to do.. honestly i am reading a book right now its called mastering the seven decisions that determind personal success by andy andrews and the first thing he starts talking about is how we all control our emotions if something makes us sad we are the ones who actually feed into it and make our emotions sad... if you are feeling blue no matter what you can always put a smile on your face and make yourself happy. I used to want to kill myself over my ex boyfriend and honestly i dont even care anymore when a guy breaks up with me because i know that there are many other people out there that i can date and im not going to end my life or be sad over someone else - thats just selfish to yourself. just be you and honestly who cares about him find a new better man to fulfill your every need

  21. There comes a time that you have to come to the realization that it is clearly over. He broke up with you and I know that is hard. It is going to take some time to get over this. I don't think he will turn straight overnight and expecially since he told you he wanted a "man". He is telling you that you are too immature for him or just looking for an excuse to breakup because you aren't meant to be together- not compatible.

    It sounds like you are very young. Give yourself some time and space. Learn to move on. This is all a part of life. You will meet many other people before you settle in with someone for a long time.  

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