
My g*y friend is coming on to me?

by Guest62176  |  earlier

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We met 2 years ago and our friendship is unbreakable now. I didn't know he was g*y until about 5 months ago when he told me but I still love him and don't think of him any differently than before he told me. By him telling me I think it brought us closer together actually. The other day he came over to visit me and my girlfriend was also over visiting. We was watching a movie in the living-room on the couch so as we was watching he laid his head on my chest and had his right arm wrapped around me. I could never tell this friend no about anything because I have a soft spot for him and he means so much to me. My girlfriend then walks into the living-room and gives me a really strange look. After he left she questioned me for a while about my sexuality and said that she doesn't mess with bi men. I told her that i'm not bi or g*y but that I really love my friend and it's hard for me to tell him no etc. Like I said above I am not g*y or bi but I am kind of having feelings for him now. Does it sound like my friend want more than a friendship?




  1. I would just explain to him that he is a really good friend, and that's it; Nothing will ever happen between you two

  2. well think ur just curious but my advice is persue it and find out, and im sure ur friend want more than a friendship but dont let things go so far that u mess up ur friendship!!!!!

  3. Hi David, this is a strange case, you know, you talk so good about your friend and u seem to love him so much but Maybe that love's the reason because of his behavior.. I understand that you don't want your friend to get offended or something like that, but you have to tell him how the things are, and ask him if he loves you JUST as a friend or if he wants something more than that..

    If u dont do that, it could bring you future problems of confussions (such as that strange look from ur girlfriend), that's what I recommend you to do, talk to him and get all the points clear...

    Good luck ;)

  4. Dump the *****.

    Your girlfriend, I mean.

  5. There really is no way to tell if your friend wants more than a friendship other than to ask him yourself. It sounds like you are an awesome friend and maybe he just feels really comfortable around you. Maybe he just had a really hard day that day. I would just ask him in a nonchalant way about his feelings for you. Then you could reiterate your feelings about him and your relationship. I am glad to hear that you still love him for him even when he came out to you. You are a great friend for that. Good luck in this situation and I hope that everything turns out good for you!

  6. if u have feelings feelings for him than mabey it is more than just friends

  7. It does, but if you don't want him or any other man sexually at all, then you're probably not bi.  You can't help who you love.

  8. He was snuggling with you, not making out.

    Definitely you love and trust each other to the point where he felt fine doing that with you while watching a movie.

    The only way you could know if he is wanting romance would be to ask him -- but I would not interpret his action romantically.  I mean, your girlfriend was in the house, after all.  I think if he had wanted to seduce you, he would have tried when she was not there.

    I think your girlfriend probably has a hangup and needs to be educated that not all g*y guys want romance with their friends.

  9. Personally, I don't think so...if he did I think he would have made an 'advance' like putting his hand on your thigh (close to home base)...if he didn't do that, then he's just enjoying your friendship...just in case, though, if he does come on to you (and you're still not interested) you should tell him right up front that you respect his 'orientation', however...if the two of your are to remain friends...he will have to respect your 'orientation'...and you like girls...  Your girlfriend sounds like she's got self esteem problems...or she comes for a really 'frigid' family...

  10. Its possible to have deep feelings for someone and not be sexually attracted to them. :) I think that's just what makes a best friend. Even when the same s*x, the fact that he can snuggle with you and you not freaking out, just means you care about him. As a friend. I don't think its weird, and actually think more men should be able to express it or allow it to happen. I know a couple of straight guys that are able to have close friendships with other men and it's not "g*y".

    If you feel he was coming on to you, not just seeking closeness from a friend, I would gently let him know you don't see him that way. Don't omit you care about him, just not in a "more than friends" way.  If you are feeling something... well, talk about that too and see what happens. Your girlfriend should also be informed. If she can't be open enough to love you how you are, she deserves to be able to make that choice for herself.

    Good luck. :)

  11. Yes you guys are in love. Make it simple...

  12. to me yes it does but if u have feelings for him go 4 it love is love no matter what gender and u just have to try it if u want to

  13. i think he might have more feeling for you than you have for him just sit him down and tell i am a friend and nothin more and i will always be hear for you but i don't wont to be nothin more than a friend in less you start developing feelings for him then tell him you actually are developing feelings for him like that but as you said your not g*y i don't think you will start developing feeling for him  

  14. He very well could be, but if you are very close you should ask him.

    About feeling a bit confused is normal since it is not always easy to differentiate between kinds of love, but don't take it too much to heart if you are bisexual. I have many straight friends who are very close to me and amazingly, their gf have been jealous, but my lover isn't. Go figure!

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