
My gecko is bleeding and in pain HELP HELP HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

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can some one please help.

i have a 4 year old female gecko and i let her out her tank tonight and she went under my sofa and when i went to look for her i lifted the couch and it must have caught her.

as now at her side above her front leg there is a big bit of her skin ripped off and it is bleeding it is about an inch by an inch

she is in pain and been biting which she has never done.

she keeps trying to roll onto her side.

none of the vets will see her they just kept saying we dont deal with exotic pets but put wet cotton wool on it to stop it bleeding but i think she is going to die can anyone please help it does look quite bad and looks like she is in pain and the vet wont even give pain killer to her. arseholes if you ask me but can someone please give me advice or help me. reply asap




  1. Just put her back in her cage and let her be if there is no vet in the area.

    If she has sand or loose substrate, take it out and put newspaper or paper towels in there. Let her be as stress-free as possible. Don't keep taking her out to poke at it, it will only stress her out more.

    Look around for exotic vets. If you can't find any, call back the vet and tell them you just need liquid baytrill (oral antibiotic) and liquid metacam (painkiller) and give them the reptiles weight.

    If they won't help, you can follow Melissa Kaplan's directions of first aid care and try and get through it on your own in the link below.  

  2. Look online for an exotic vet:

    Even if one is a few hours a way, try giving them a call and see if they have a recommendation over the phone. You will most likely need to see a vet though, as if she is in pain, an anti-inflammatory and antibiotic will have to be given.

    Neosporin can be used on reptiles as well, so this is an option if you can cease the bleeding. Is it possible to get a picture of it? Have you resorted to any resourceful reptile forums?


  3. Ring the vet back up and request that they treat her. Even if they dont deal with exotics giving antibiotics and pain relief is not too hard.  if they refuse tell them you will report them to the RCVS.  

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