
My gelding is aggressive toward other geldings why?

by  |  earlier

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I just got an 8 year old gelding 3 days ago. He is great with people and dosent seem to mind mares but when i put himout with other geldings he bit them bad on the face and neck. Where he was before he was with mare and babys he dosent seem to mind mares but is mean to geldings. The owner of my barn doesnt want to mix genders so my horse has to be byhimself. Any answers why he would be agressive tward geldings and not mares.




  1. I have one like this, he has his mare he gets turned out with.  A few months back i bought an Arab and i had him gelded , i put him near Cruiser my Paint and he tried to kill Joker my Arab through the pipe corral...It was so violent i have never seen a gelding react like this.  He is now parked next to my stud colt and has no problems with him...I think he just doesn't like Arabs LOL

  2. The reason why he is acting this way is because he is he thinks he's the boss. He'll be ok to be put back with the other geldings i think they will come to know he's the boss. But what you should do to get them to get along is to put your horse out to pasteur than one by one bring a horse than when the first one seems ok bring in another one of them and so on. He mite also be acting this way because of all the new surroundings.

  3. my horse is exacly the same so i no what you are going through, he noes he is not a stallion but likes to think of himself as 1 he is in a mixed field and he trys ramming all geldings through the fence to get them away from 'his' mares if the horses stick up for them selves and show he is not boss to them he wont do it he is only 14hh and he does it to 18.2hh horses, but like the geldings on your farm they wont stick up to him we have had to do it so my gelding goes out with the mares and the geldings go separate

  4. Geldings "fall in love" with geldings are generally always fighting amongst eachother (especially if there are mares or food involved). Its a herd thing, they just have to figure out their pecking order and they fight sometimes to do that.

  5. maybe some of the mares were in season-I know he's not a stallion but at my yard, when the mares are in season, the fighting doesn't stop

    maybe if he was just out with one mare or would feel better with a small companion like a shetland or something

    does that help?

  6. hes probably trying to work his way up the todem pole. meaning.. trying to be the boss :]

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