
My gerbil's eye is bigger than the other - Help!?

by  |  earlier

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One of my gerbils, Cherry's eye is bigger than the other. I have had her a few weeks and noticed it when I got her. It hasn't gotten any worse and she is fine apart from my worry. I don't know if there is something in it or it is just natural. Should I take her to the vet? Cause I don't want to separate her from her three sisters.

Need all the help I can get - very worried it may be serious.

(By the way, apart from the eye being bigger and slightly bulging, nothing is wrong with her, no inflammation, strange activity, non eating...)




  1. It's sick because it happened to my friends guinea pig before when he was ill (i don't know if it's the same with gerbils) but get it checked up with the vet.


  2. you should phone a vetinary practice or take it to an experienced vet

    hope she gets better


  3. It is more than likely to be a birth defect, if happens with gerbils some time, Just don't breeder as it will be in her sister to (in fact never breed in hard) I had a gerbil with a lock paw once she is a life and well and in a center for blind kids get lots of love and so on,

    I would think to much about it, just keep and eye on her on more thing pops up I am wrong and take all four to see the vet for a full check just in case!

    edit never listen to opinion about your pets life look for fact and past involvement with things like it!

  4. No your gerbil is fine, nothing is perfect! don't take it to the vet don't, don't worry, and don't separate her, she will b fine

    hope I help

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